Sunday, April 17, 2016

The still mysterious death of Vince Foster, whether the path is suicide or homicide, still leads to the same disturbing truth: Hillary Clinton

Wading into the cesspool of hypocrisy once more, I find it remarkable how the media finds the time to bring up the “shame” of Monica Lewinsky after all these years, when it was hardly the worst scandal to infect the Clinton administration, although we shouldn’t be surprised that sex “sells” better than mere mundane corruption of power (and vice-versa). Since Bill Clinton was the “villain” in the Lewinsky affare, and Hillary is supposed to be the “collateral damage” in it, it can only be to Hillary’s “credit,” right? Wrong. The Clintons had an “open” marriage, and any airing out of their behavior would make a typical Jerry Springer show seem tame. 

Hillary Clinton’s own proclivities would probably give pause to some of those conservative Democrats who are supporting her; in 2008, Sally Bedell Smith wrote in the UK Daily Mail that “Her attitude toward  men was that they were ‘assholes.’ According to one commentator, the reason Hillary surrounded herself with women was because she found men too complicated. Indeed, she once told former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who owed her appointment to Hillary's support: ‘We both know what a**holes men can be.’"

The members of her White House staff as First Lady included 29 women and just one male—and by all accounts she treated them all like common household rubbish at one point or another when they didn’t “measure up” to her often unethical expectations and desires. Remember too that it was Albright who was the one who said women who vote for Bernie Sanders should “burn in hell.” Clinton and her old-line feminist supporters are misandrists, and one must wonder what Clinton’s real “agenda” is if she is in fact elected president—let alone if she has the temperament to “get things done” with the majority of members of Congress she secretly feels contempt for--as males.

Probably the worst crime Bill Clinton ever committed against the country was marrying Hillary Rodham, for he allowed this evil person to piggy-back on his personal popularity to the cusp of control of this country with the help of her personal mafia, ready to carry out her every mania. There is so much to despise about the character of Clinton the person that if people stopped watching the Clinton News Network and the like and allowed themselves to know the truth about her, or had the wherewithal to find out themselves, Clinton would never be in any position of power because no one could or would trust her. Clinton is only in her position because she was fortunate enough to be the “wife” of a man who possessed personable qualities that she was too contemptuous of others to even fake. 

As attorney general and governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton ruled the state like his personal fiefdom, much as Huey Long did in Louisiana. He tried to do the same in Washington DC, bringing his own corrupted loyalists and sycophants with him, those who knew his darkest secrets, like Vince Foster, who was an unwilling follower as deputy White House counsel.

On July 20, 1993, just six months after Clinton assumed office, Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy Park at 6 PM. It was assumed by the media from the start that the death was suicide merely on the word of the White House, despite the fact that no investigation into the death had even begun. It would be another six months before anyone did a serious examination of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the event.

Let’s talk about Foster first, who had worked closely with Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law Firm, and was privy to the Clintons’ Whitewater dealings. Smith went on to write in the Daily Mail story that “The one man who was definitely not an asshole was Vince Foster. Hillary used to say he reminded her of Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird - reserved, upright and dependable. ‘People gravitated to Vince because he was a world-class listener,’ recalled a former Little Rock lawyer. ‘Women were drawn to him not just because he was smart and handsome, but because he seemed to keep secrets.’"

For someone as “upright” as Foster, there seems little doubt that the Clintons were a serious tax on his own ethical principles, which he felt the need to compromise over and over again in order to stay in their “good graces,” or at least Hillary’s. Smith writes that “In March 1993, he told a colleague that she had ‘snapped at him’ - a rebuke that ‘hurt him deeply,’ and that it “was clear that Foster was having difficulty being ordered around by the woman who had recently been his equal at the Rose Law Firm.” Hillary Clinton forced him to take “credit” for her demand to fill the White House travel office with Arkansas cronies devoted to Clinton (leading to “Travelgate”), and he was tasked to do the thankless job of concocting a cover story for  the Clintons’ fraudulent tax returns which attempted to conceal the financial incongruities of their Whitewater “investment.” Whitewater, according to a note written by Foster, was "a can of worms you shouldn't open." Foster was also told to explain away the fact that the McDougals’ failed banking venture, Madison Guaranty, had illegally diverted money to the Clinton campaign, and that the Clintons had imposed themselves on Arkansas regulators to keep the bank afloat. 

But in the end, Smith notes that  “it was the firing of seven staff - following pressure from the imperious First Lady - that ‘drove Vince batty,’ according to White House counsel Bernie Nussbaum. In a meeting with him on May 13, 1993, Hillary asked him if he was ‘on top of’ the travel office situation. He assured her that his team was working on it. Afterwards, Foster noted that Hillary's mood was ‘general impatience ... general frustration.’ Other White House aides later confirmed that she wanted her own ‘people’ in the office, and that everyone felt ‘there would be hell to pay’ if her wishes were defied.”

While Foster was taking a beating in the media and from Congress for his “role” in Travelgate, the real villain, Hillary Clinton, naturally denied any knowledge of the travel office firings, or having ordered it, claiming that she "did not direct that any action be taken." A belated investigation would conclude “that her statements had been ‘factually false.”—in other words, she lied.  Furthermore, “At the time, Vince Foster felt deeply responsible for the imbroglio and was worried that Congress might investigate. White House aide David Watkins remembers Foster saying to him ‘My God, what have we done?’ and expressing concern that Hillary's role in the firings would come to light. He urged Watkins to protect ‘the client’ at all costs. Foster knew that in shielding Hillary, he might have to mislead congressional investigators under oath - a grim prospect for a man who took pride in being a straight arrow.”

Smith goes on to observe that Foster’s personal relationship with Clinton had also change dramatically. “‘It's not the same,’ he told a colleague. ‘On one matter after another, he confided, she would bark ‘Fix it, Vince!’ or ‘Handle it, Vince!’ and leave him to pick up the pieces.” On July 16, Foster’s wife claimed that he told her he felt “tapped,” and on the 19th, his doctor gave him an antidepressant prescription. The next day, he was dead.

What about Hillary Clinton?

Who is Hillary Clinton, really? Clinton likes her women “mean” and her men “weak.” Mary Mel Fench, a friend of Clinton, was quoted as saying she could not work with her because she was too inflexible and could not tolerate people who were not equally so. She preferred having young women work for her, because those older, more experienced would not tolerate her rude, disrespectful attitude. 

According Smith, “Since her school days, she (Clinton) had operated most easily among women; and when it came to appointing her own staff at the White House, she chose 29 women and one man…Her subordinates - who called her ‘The Big Girl’ or later ‘Big Mama’ and wore badges saying ‘Hillaryland’ - had a starry-eyed devotion that was almost cult-like…One of Hillary's friends said: ‘They were all afraid to say no to her.’ She was a hard taskmaster and would call her staff at home after hours to make trifling requests…According to White House chronicler Bob Woodward, she ‘frequently reduced her personal travelling aide to tears’ when the assistant failed to produce something Hillary needed…She had a temper, but instead of ‘making nice’ afterwards, as Bill did, Hillary withdrew in cool silence.”

This type of personality corrupted by power apparently crushed the spirit of Foster, who could not bear the thought of the truth that he had been used by the woman he admired—as she had used so many others, including her own husband. Smith goes on

“Did that admiration make him cross a line that would normally have stopped him short? In the weeks before the inauguration, he had worked intensively with another Arkansas lawyer to expunge Bill and Hillary's financial records of a shady land deal - a scandal later known as the Whitewater affair. Later, there were several official investigations into the Clintons' complex web of financial and real estate dealings, which culminated in criminal convictions for some of their associates, though Hillary and Bill were never prosecuted themselves. ..Whitewater was later seen as symptomatic of the culture that existed in Arkansas during Bill's governorship, when the Clintons' connections helped them to enrich themselves. For example, to augment her $110,000 salary, Hillary had earned large sums from seats on local corporate boards, including Wal-Mart. One company chairman explained Hillary's presence on his board as ‘making sure he was in good grace with the people in power.’ In that atmosphere, Bill and Hillary developed a sense of entitlement, borrowing from banks operated by political friends and accepting favors from individuals and corporations, such as the free use of private planes.”

Foster certainly had some prior knowledge of the Clintons’ private affairs, but to what extent can’t be known. The Clintons had brought the papers dealing with their Arkansas affairs with them, and Foster had been tasked to keep them “safe” in his office. Perhaps it was his realization that the truth was something he was not prepared to acknowledge. Foster was considering resigning his position and returning to Arkansas, even writing a rough draft of his letter of resignation (which was later “mistakenly” referred to as a “suicide” letter), which friends claimed that he intended to speak to the president about on the July 21. On the 20th, at around 1 PM, Foster left his office, telling his secretary Deborah Gorham, "I'll be right back." His last recalled words were to Linda Tripp, who he offered some candy left on his lunch tray.

Foster never came back; where he actually went was a question beginning with the fact that White House surveillance video did not show him leaving, nor was there a logbook entry of him leaving. The next time he was seen was when his lifeless body was discovered only five hours later in Fort Marcy Park just outside of the Capitol. What did he do in the intervening hours? Nobody seems to know. The FBI belatedly conducted an investigation of the death after the media finally began questioning the circumstances far too late—for the Clintons’ had by then time to destroy damaging files both in Foster’s White House office and at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, and whatever else evidence might be found on his personal effects (including his pager) which the Clintons confiscated from the incompetent Park Police before they could be examined.  

The FBI did a “suction analysis” of Foster’s clothing, finding traces of a multi-colored carpet, strands of long blonde hair, and semen residue. What this suggests is all very peculiar. Those at the alleged crime scene were shocked to find almost no blood; a 38 caliber hand gun fired with inches of or inside the mouth would have blow-out the back of a person’s head and left brain matter scattered about. But there was no apparent exit wound, and there were four separate blood trails on Foster’s face, which implied that his head had moved position four times. However, no one at scene claimed to have moved Foster’s head before he was removed from the scene. 

Other peculiarities about this “suicide”: There are no crime scene photographs, only a few close-up Polaroids. The Park Police claimed that they had taken such photographs, but that they had been “underexposed” and thus “unusable.” One of the few photographs released was purported to “prove” that Foster had shot himself, with the gun still in his hand. But it was in his right hand, and Foster was left-handed. Not only that, but it was almost impossible for a gun of that caliber not to have had the “kick” to cause the gun to fly from the holder’s hand after having lost the power to grip it, as far as 30 feet away. The photograph also showed the body lying in an area of thick foliage, which was similar to one placement of two Civil War era cannon in the Park, where the first responders claimed they found the body. But subsequently it was maintained that the body was found in a relatively sparse, dusty area near a second cannon that was shown to the media. Was the body moved, and why?

Other troubling matters: Despite the fact there were nearby residences, no one was asked if they heard a shot (no one came forward to say they did, either). Although a small exit wound was found at autopsy, and the medical examiner reported to Park Police that he had taken an x-ray which had found no bullet or other metal fragments, he later denied that he had taken an x-ray to Congressional investigators. Why? As it were, despite an “extensive” search, no bullet or skull fragments were found anywhere at the alleged crime scene.

We could go on and on. Gun powder residue on Foster’s hands and clothing did not match; the residue found on his hand were in a position where it was nearly impossible for him to have fired it, as if his hands had been placed on the gun after it was fired. Foster’s fingerprints were not found on the gun despite the apparent clumsy effort to place it in his wrong hand; but there was one finger print found, and it did not match that of Foster. There was no effort to discover who this finger print belonged to. Despite the fact that Foster would have had to walk 600 feet down a dusty dirt path to reach the scene where his body was found, there no dirt or dust found on his shoes.

Any homicide investigator worth his salt would have been immediately suspicious. Did Foster actually die in park, or was he killed elsewhere and then transported to the park, where the case would be in the “jurisdiction” of the incompetent and ill-equipped Park Police? Did Foster actually fire the gun? Was the death staged to make it appear to be a suicide? All the empirical evidence suggests that this was the case. 

What did the Clintons do, particularly Hillary, who was much closer to Foster as her former law partner and “confident”—apparently the only man she didn’t consider an “asshole”—than her husband was, despite the media spin that claimed they were “boyhood friends.” The first thing they did—or rather, with Hillary in charge—was ransack Foster’s office, even after the FBI posted an agent in the office to prevent this. Hillary Clinton personal chief-of-staff was ordered by her to take many of Foster’s files to her personally. 

Meanwhile, the president and Attorney General Janet Reno resisted attempts by the FBI to conduct an investigation (firing William Sessions and replacing him with a more pliable stooge), but keeping the “investigation” in the hands of the Park Police, who incompetently and cravenly handed over important pieces of evidence found on Foster’s person to the Clintons. Eventually, Clinton crony Robert Fiske (who helped cover-up the Clintons’ doings in many a scandal) was assigned an “independent” special prosecutor to look into the death, and his report attempted many bizarre “explanations” for the many inconsistencies of the case. The FBI’s own investigation also concluded that the death was suicide, unwilling to bring itself to make the case of something other than suicide—to involve the President of the United States, and more directly the First Lady, with a potential murder.

Meanwhile, Hillary claimed that she saw nothing amiss in Foster’s demeanor before his death that suggested he was suicidal. The cold-bloodedness of this woman is beyond reasonable comprehension, for she knew very well the pressure her increasingly unethical and corrupt demands were putting on Foster, who placed great stock in  honesty and principles.  The “spin” is that Hillary was so broken up over Foster’s death, that she couldn’t get out of bed for days. The truth is that hardly wasting time in “bed,” she was “broken up” over concern where Foster may have allowed a “concerning” document or two hidden away.  This is a person who, as cool as a cucumber,  told lie after lie to a credulous media about knowing anything about Whitewater, Travelgate and the shredding of papers back at the Rose Law Firm, all of which and more she was personally involved in, since this was a “co-presidency,” with Bill Clinton apparently a figurehead caving into her demands.

Perhaps Foster was not murdered but did in fact commit suicide. But most likely it was not where his body was found, but in a more “compromising” location, if the evidence of the FBI’ s suction analysis proves anything. Whether suicide or murder, the bloody trail leads to Hillary Clinton. He died from a gunshot wound, notes Smith, “the same method of suicide used by a Marine officer in the film A Few Good Men - which Foster was known recently to have watched. In the movie, the officer had killed himself because he was distraught about testifying against his commanding officer. In real life, Vince Foster was distraught at the prospect of being grilled about the shady affairs of Hillary Clinton.”

Foster was a man who knew too much to live, or be allowed to live.

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