Monday, April 18, 2016

Sanders' reality is the country's; Clinton's "reality," as usual, is herself

The main “takeaway” from last week’s Democratic debate, according to the pro-Clinton media, was that Clinton “exposed” Bernie Sanders principle “weakness,” in that his economic and social philosophy was too “impracticable.” Clinton, on the other hand, offered “realism,” which she tried to fob-off on listeners as being the same as “real solutions.” As usual, the media got it wrong again; most experienced listeners—such as the ones in the audience who cheered Sanders repeatedly during the debate—recognized the latest Clinton “act”: since she didn’t have any credibility competing with Sanders on his terms, she just switched gears yet again. She had lost eight of nine primaries, so she had to try something else; once more, we see Clinton has no principles. She craves power and riches, and she will do whatever is legally or illegally necessary to achieve these aims. We can, of course, stop her from achieving one of her goals at the polls.

Perceptive people also understand that it is Clinton who lives in a world of unreality, not Sanders. Sanders talks about things that are real, like the present and growing income inequality in this country, thanks partly to the reduction in marginal tax rates on excessive income that corporate executives pay themselves, thinking nothing of the ordinary laborer or the unemployed. Sanders also talks about the excessive costs of higher education, which prevents access to college for an increasingly left behind lower strata, and places a tremendous burden on students who do manage to attend after they leave school. Despite the good qualities of the Affordable Care Act, a single-payer system is still preferable to the whims of private insurance companies who still largely pull the strings of who and who cannot have “affordable” care; even now, small companies are being allowed to fob-off substandard “wellness” plans as “legal” health insurance under the ACA.

Sanders allegedly is not “real” about foreign policy, but it is those like Clinton who voted to approve the invasion of Iraq who are without any sense of reality. The Iraq War led to the senseless death of over 4,000 American soldiers, the maiming of thousands more, and more death and mayhem than Saddam Hussein ever imagined. U.S. policymakers were (and are) completely clueless about the sectarian reality on the ground in Iraq and elsewhere, and they merely opened-up a Pandora’s Box of extremist slaughter. No wonder countries with lunatic rulers like North Korea are completely paranoid about U.S. “intentions.” It is time that the U.S. starts investing in its domestic needs than in foreign “adventures” that have led only to more destabilization and uncertainty.

But Clinton wants us to forget all of that, and see her as being the candidate grounded in “reality.” Unfortunately, Clinton’s “reality” has nothing to do with confronting the very real realities that Sanders speaks to, but her own megalomania.

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