Thursday, February 25, 2021

What is an unemployed hatemonger like Stephen Miller to do with his free time? Take his Julius Streicher act on the road


Politico reported yesterday that freshman Republican Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar “got into a lively exchange over immigration with former Trump aide Stephen Miller” in a meeting conducted by the so-called Republican Study Committee, which represents three-quarters of House Republicans. A few members refused to attend the meeting because of Miller’s toxic presence, but the fact that the committee also invited the former acting head of ICE, Tom Homan, to offer his “ideas” said enough about where their heads were at. Outside the far-right, neo-Nazi fringe and Fox News, Homan has been labeled a sadist, who often spoke of his desire to beat his critics senseless (he was a police officer in another life),  and directed his Gestapo agents to invade schools and hospitals, and feels no self-consciousness in describing Hispanic immigrants (or Hispanics in general) as untermensch.

We are told that Miller responded to the Cuban-American Salazar’s confusion about why he was advocating for policies designed to alienate Hispanic voters (she apparently was not aware of the extent of Miller’s hatemongering until she heard it direct from the horse’s ass), and Miller “calmly” justified his racism, and the two had a private conversation afterwards. That Miller was “calm” should be taken for what it means: that he is the most dangerous kind of racist—rather than being an “emotional” response, it is a cold and calculated thought process. He means exactly what he says.

But the fact that this committee would actually invite unapologetic racists like Miller and Homan to discuss immigration policy demonstrates that Republicans continue to see immigration as their principle wedge issue, because, after all, racial grievance underlies almost every issue for their base—and beating on Hispanic immigrants has the additional benefit of being something that every racial and ethnic group can join in on.

Of course what makes the issue so “urgent” for Republicans at the present time is that Joe Biden has already reversed the most egregious of Donald Trump’s immigration-related executive orders, and his new immigration reform bill proposes an 8-year path to citizenship for undocumented workers, and a faster path to citizenship for DACA recipients. These proposals couldn’t be more anathema to the likes of Miller, who has made it no secret he wants to ban all nonwhite immigration, and to Homan, who saw his “job” at ICE to be little more than a huge vacuum pump to “clean-up” all those who Tucker Carlson called “dirty” immigrants—which is highly ironic, since it is the heavy resource-consuming and well-off like Carlson who are actually making the planet “dirtier.” 

Biden’s “kinder” approach to children in the border encampments—more emphasis on treating them like human beings rather than animals in cages—has predictably led to issues of where to put them, and being forced to reopen a few of the Trump/Miller concentration camps, but this time there is greater effort in expediting refugee children placement in the homes of families and foster homes. Miller, who was the principle architect in carrying out the “zero tolerance” policy which created the disturbing scenes of children in cages that Jewish people in this country took offense to (because they were likened to Nazi camps), apparently feels no contrition for his handiwork, and seems surprised and offended that his Frankenstein monster creation could be so easily dismantled.

Sen. Bob Menendez and Rep. Linda Sanchez have released an immigration bill based on Biden’s policy goals. Menendez criticized Republican opposition to the bill, stating that “Time and time again, we have compromised too much and capitulated too quickly to fringe voices who refuse to accept the humanity and contributions of immigrants to this country.” Miller was quick to make another appearance of Fox News, calling it “the most radical immigration bill ever written…in the history of this country.” The “irony,” of course, is that Miller’s idea of an immigration policy in this country of immigrants is far, far more radical than what this country has ever seen. He would stop all non-white immigration if it was in his power regardless of the economic impact to the country, and for his own purely racist reasons.

At it cannot be forgotten that Miller is Jewish, joining gentiles Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham and Carlson is perpetuating the same kind of cultural, social and economic fears and scapegoating that anti-Semites have employed over to justify murder and pogroms. I am heartily sick of those who call such comparisons “overheated,” because they derive from the same racist and white nationalist impulses, and of course most Jews are white. On the Jewish women’s website Alma, Molly Safar states that the “Jewish community has some reckoning do” because many supported Miller’s racist agenda, and how can Jews justify their own sense of victimization when an “extreme minority” chooses to support Trump and his racist policies, and even joined in the Jan. 6 insurrection, “publicly engaging in violence on the same side as the anti-Semites, neo-Nazis and white supremacists.” These are people who, like Miller, see the world through a racial, not religious, prism.

Miller—whose great grandfather was denied naturalization due to “ignorance”—was “mentored” first by former “lefty” David Horowitz, another Jewish individual who fails to see the incongruity of promoting white nationalism, racism, anti-immigrant nativism and Islamophobia while still claiming to be a victim of anti-Semitism. Miller’s next “mentor” was white nationalist Richard Spencer, and his de facto “Torah” is the lurid novel The Camp of the Saints by a Frenchman named Jean Raspail. The theme of this  monstrous anti-immigrant tome is France and the rest of “virtuous” Europe invaded by swarm of impoverished Indians bringing their “alien” third world culture, exterminating the first world culture of laws and industriousness, are lazy, useless mouths demanding to be fed, and murder white people who dare to question the new state of affairs. Naturally, it is unpatriotic “lefties” and anarchists who support this cultural and demographic change, and eventually all Europe is consumed by non-white races.

No doubt the “thesis” of this “novel” appeals to paranoid white nationalists, but the insanity of the book should be obvious when it makes such bizarre suggestions that the mayor of New York is forced to share the mayor’s mansion with three black families, and it is demanded of Queen Elizabeth to order her heir to marry a Pakistani woman. One French scholar called the book so unbalanced in its racism that it gives its white protagonists only two choices—“destroy or die.” The fact that Miller in his communications with far-right news sites like Breitbart quoted passages from this book reveals the extent to which he is well beyond the point of redemption. He is what he is. Trump thrilled to the sight of insurrection; Miller reportedly “thrilled” to the sight of children packed in cages

In fact, Miller is so far gone that he can’t turn back now without looking like a fool; he would need to “disappear” for a few years to “contemplate” before anyone would believe he had a change of heart. At present, it’s difficult to believe any politicians would want him to work on their staff, because regardless of political stance, Miller is just too extreme, and his extremism will only bring unwanted attention. Will Fox News hire him? They just fired Dobbs, and it won’t just be the potential of endless Miller scandals that cause sponsors to flee that would be problematic for Fox (or for any “mainstream” news outlet), but his fascist support of authoritarian-style government (remember he claimed that Trump’s power “will not be questioned”) could leave the network open to charges of incitement.

So what is a Jewish fascist like Miller to do? Frankly, I’m surprised he isn’t on Trump’s payroll, but for now he seems to be living off his wife’s income (in case you are wondering, Katie Miller is also a Jewish racist and anti-immigrant fanatic), and staying “relevant” means making the rounds to whoever still has the stomach for his Julius Streicher impression. Streicher’s racism was so virulent that he was persona non grata even among fellow Nazis—but his “boss” remained his most fervent supporter and protector.

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