Sunday, February 7, 2021

Hillary Clinton employing her own conspiracy theories to explain away the lack of total "loyalty" to her "brand"


There is certainly a case to be made that Republicans complaining about how the Democrats “treated” Donald Trump is more than a bit hypocritical, considering the way they the “treated” Bill Clinton—which is highly ironic, given his efforts to work with his principle enemy, Newt Gingrich; let us recall that this “partnership” had serious consequences for the country, such as potentially jailing “super-predator” pot smokers for life, and a financial “reform” law that set-up the “Great Recession.”

There is another “connection” between Trump and specifically Hillary Clinton: they are both equally arrogant, bullying narcissists with a habit of insults and accusations against their perceived “enemies,” lacking in introspection, and a habit of engaging in constant deceiving to the point where they live in their own alternate “fact” universe where they are convinced that their lies are “truth.” We can certainly argue that was in large part the reason why voters couldn’t tell the difference between the two in the 2016 election—and millions of “undecideds” chose the candidate they just didn’t know as well.

Clinton nevertheless expected people to vote for her largely because she was a woman for “historical” reasons; she must have had a reason to believe that her gender was more a “plus” than a “negative” when up against a boor like Trump, which in her mind had to be a godsend. But Clinton’s “experience” and “accomplishments” were way overstated. She alienated even Democratic lawmakers when she was in charge of the failed 1993 health care bill, and her time as Secretary of State could be described as a four-year vacation at taxpayer expense. Clinton was someone you either “loved” or “hated,” but for most Bernie Sanders supporters it was a question between authenticity and fraudulence, and in the end the fraud won out in the primaries. It was only after her election loss that she twisted the narrative back to being a “victim” of her gender, and overlook her many, many personal faults.

Hillary Clinton just will not pick up her toys and go home. Her self-serving propaganda “documentary” during the 2020 primaries was clearly aimed at convincing the Democratic establishment to consider her an “alternative” to the other primary candidates, particularly Sanders if he won a plurality, but not a majority, of the delegates. Clinton’s tone-deaf defenders won’t go away either, such as those responsible for her latest whine-fest, the New York Times and columnist Michelle Goldberg. Clinton claimed that QAnon were spreading lies about her and making overboard rhetorical threats on her person (which is the only point in her favor), but then there was the once-again eye-rolling assertion that everything said against her is just part of the “larger cultural sexism and misogyny.” Yeah, that’s right, just blame everything on “sexism” and “misogyny,” just as you made a play for the white racist vote in the 2008 primaries by claiming being “white” was also against you.

Clinton whined to Goldberg that "For me, it does go back to my earliest days in national politics, when it became clear to me that there was a bit of a market in trafficking in the most outlandish accusations and wild stories concerning me, my family, people that we knew, people close to us.” This is Clinton in “alternate universe” mode.  In the real world, the Clintons were very much like Trump, getting away with corrupt business deals and making up their own “facts.” Remember “Cattlegate”? Hillary invested $1,000 into cattle futures of all things, and 10 months later walked away with a $100,000 “profit.” One financial expert said there was a 2-trillion-to-one shot that could have happened; if Clinton was just some “nobody” and not the wife of a governor, there would have been a serious criminal investigation into that, and she would likely have been sitting in prison for a few years. That is what you call benefiting from “privilege and “entitlement.”

Remember Whitewater? The Ken Starr probe was limited because those “in the know,” just wouldn’t talk; Susan McDougal—who received a “suspicious” $300,000 loan after Bill Clinton put pressure on a lender—even went to prison for contempt of court for her refusal to testify against the Clintons. She later received a presidential pardon for her “loyalty.” Vince Foster, who worked at the Rose Law firm with Hillary Clinton, was suspected of knowing about the “details” of the land deal gone awry, and he was “persuaded” against his will to tag along with the Clintons to Washington DC so that they could keep him “close.” Fact: after his apparent suicide, FBI agents were prevented from searching for evidence while Clinton aides ransacked his office. What were they looking for? Fact: While the Clintons were protected by presidential immunity, in Arkansas 15 people—including Bill Clinton’s successor as governor—were convicted and jailed on charges related to the Whitewater and Castle Grande scandals.

There were several minor “scandals” that Hillary was involved in during the Clinton administration, although they were small potatoes compared to what occurred during the Trump administration. But she also gave hints of a darker side of herself that was a product of her self-obsessed “victim” status being born a white woman, which she described in her usual self-serving manner to Goldberg:

This is rooted in ancient scapegoating of women, of doing everything to undermine women in the public arena, women with their own voices, women who speak up against power and the patriarchy, This is a Salem Witch Trials line of argument against independent, outspoken, pushy women. And it began to metastasize around me.

Sounds like Hillary is unfamiliar with the "MeToo," "cancel culture" and "Ibelieveyou" movements that domestic abuser Amber Heard has milked to the bone (talk about having your life ruined by marrying someone like her). Besides, nobody really likes “pushy” people, male or female—especially people who use it as a cudgel to claim they are the “victim” and not the people they abuse.  In his book Crisis of Character, former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne described Clinton as having a “volcanic” temper who “terrified” staff, demeaning and abusing anyone who didn’t “please” her; he also reported an "encounter" that ended with Bill sporting a black eye.

Sounds a lot like Trump, right? And why should we “overlook” her inventing the racist “super-predator” term, her race-baiting to white voters during a 2008 primary Pennsylvania rally, her unhinged RFK assassination reference, sending her stand-ins to rail against the “inadequate black male” and employing feminist columnist Bonnie Erbe to “advise” Barack Obama to “step aside” because “white people won’t vote for you.” And there are Clinton loyalists who still don’t understand why a lot of people just don’t like Clinton for moral and ethical reasons. In a nutshell, she is just as corrupt as Trump is.

Like Trump, Clinton is the type where “loyalty” is paramount, and if you don’t “love” them, then you are the “enemy.” If you question their version of “reality,” they attack you and falsely impugn your motives. It doesn’t matter if there are very good reasons to dislike and distrust people like this; everything is “explained” by how they define their own sense of victimhood. In a nutshell, Hillary Clinton has been inventing her own “conspiracy theories” to explain away her failures.

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