Monday, February 1, 2021

Trump and his freak show seems to lack the "essence" of what differentiates man from beast


There have been many “mysteries” of history concerning the questionable parentage of certain historical figures. For example, the German clockmaker Karl Naundorff claimed to be the presumed dead dauphin of France, the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, while Anna Anderson claimed to be the Grand Duchess Anastasia, who had presumably been shot along with the rest of the Romanov royal family by the Bolsheviks. Another “mystery” is the true parentage of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the unified state of Italy. His father was Charles Albert of Sardinia, his mother Maria Theresa of Austria, later to become king and queen of Sardinia. Victor was said to be as uncouth as he looked. The rumor was that the real infant son of Charles Albert and Maria Theresa was killed in an accidental fire, and in a search for a “replacement” in order to insure an heir, the infant was secretly “swapped” for the illegitimate son of a local butcher. Fact or fiction? You decide:




Anyways, sometimes it is difficult to judge a person merely on their looks. Amber Heard may look “beautiful” on the outside, but “inside” she is distinctly “ugly.” As for Donald Trump, he may have been born with that silver spoon thrust firmly down his throat, but he speaks and acts like an uncouth, foul-mouthed boor who in a sane world would just be another beer-guzzling couch potato yelling at the television screen.  If any of us thought that Trump was capable of taking a few weeks off after the inauguration to cool down, take a few steps back and reflect on his life and consider whether there were things he should have done differently—well fat chance of that. Trump has spent 74+ years of his life believing that he is something more than a loudmouthed jerk, and that is all he is and ever will be.

With some of the January 6 rioters claiming that they were only following Trump’s “orders” to sack Capitol Hill and take prisoners if they could find them, his original legal team apparently believed that it would be more appropriate to defend him against the impeachment charge of incitement by simply claiming that since Trump was no longer in office, there was no Constitutional precedent for trying him again. Of course this would suggest that the legal team thought that this would be a more successful defense strategy than claiming that his words and actions did not incite the rioters, since they clearly did.

It appears, however, that Trump wasn’t overly concerned about either of those issues, because, well, he just isn’t “human”; in fact Trump seems to believe it doesn’t matter if he incited the mob to violence or not: he still insists that the election was “stolen” from him, and the rioters were only acting to “stop the steal.” After five members of his legal team quit, Trump hired two new lawyers, David Schoen and Bruce Castor, who both have histories of questionable ethical standards, and thus are perfect for the job.

We are also learning that some of the “stop the steal” rioters seem also to be inhabiting different “skins” than first assumed. Several of those who have been arrested have been identified by the media as having no vote to steal, meaning they didn’t even vote in the election. CNN reported that

Among those who didn't vote were a 65-year-old Georgia man who, according to government documents, was found in his van with a fully-loaded pistol and ammunition, and a Louisiana man who publicly bragged about spending nearly two hours inside the Capitol after attending Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally. Another was a 21-year-old woman from Missouri who prosecutors say shared a video on Snapchat that showed her parading around with a piece of a wooden sign from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. And a Florida man previously convicted of attempted murder who was accused by the government of refusing to leave the Capitol likely did not have the option to cast a ballot because of his unpaid court fines.

There are still those who will make excuses for them, claiming these fakers didn’t vote because they thought the election would be rigged anyways, but if you didn’t vote than you have no right to complain about the election. These fakers and frauds were just looking for an excuse to riot, and they were following the propaganda of fakers and frauds in the right-wing media, and ultimately the faker and fraud-in-chief. Trump “won” the 2016 election because enough people were taken in by his complete lack of self-control and not giving a damn who he offended, especially those they wanted offended. It may have been “important" that this presidential freak show was given “credibility” by the pallid-faced people running the show, but what was really important was what was within. 

From beginning to end and beyond, Trump and anyone who followed him (and continues to do so) are caricatures of human beings, presenting the physical form but lacking the essential essence that differentiates human beings from the beasts of the field and jungle--with Stephen Miller, in following nature's course, being human freak exhibit #2, followed by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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