Sunday, February 12, 2023

Children at play in the U.S. House of Representatives


You ever wonder why so many Republicans in the House of Representatives seem so mentally, emotionally and logically impaired? Well, obviously they reflect the “will” of the people who voted for them, which of course means that more emotion and paranoia goes into their choices than actually thinking. “Liberals” always “think” about the issues, while when Republicans actually do any “thinking”—like former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan—it’s always something that even Republican voters find disturbing, like “reforming,” cutting or even “sunsetting” programs that have become an assumed “right” of people since anyone can remember, like Social Security and Medicare.

Please don’t do any “thinking” is the best instruction to Republicans these days—particularly those on the far-right—because nothing good comes out of it. The last time they did any “thinking” was for their latest tax cuts for the rich law, and of course people are supposed to believe that this was a “job creation” strategy and would actually in time increase tax revenue and lower the federal deficit? Well, if you still believe the Republican mantra of “trickle-down economics” that continues to be the hoax it was when it was first introduced during the Reagan administration, then we have another rickety bridge to sell you.

As “bad” as the liberals supposedly are, the Republicans always manage to find a way to “one-up” them. We saw this during the State of the Union address the past two years; last year it was Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert bonking around like jack-in-the-boxes, and more of the same this year, with new Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy proving once again that it is the lunatics running the asylum after claiming that there would be no "childish" antics. Joe Biden showed some of that old “spunk” by getting into a “conversation” with the nutcases over Social Security and Medicare, who all but boxed themselves into a corner into leaving the programs untouched, or being proved once again to be “liars” who always seem to be stricken with short-term memory when cornered about the stupid things they have said.

Meanwhile the clown Greene…


…took her clown show to Idaho, where she was apparently surprised to see that there were actually people in that blood-red state who didn’t think too much of her taking her show there...



…and she predictably responded with her usual juvenile-level observations. Back in Washington DC, House Republicans are readying themselves as the party out-of-power to be an annoying pest, although unlike Democrats they are less interested in investigating insurrection and Donald Trump's crimes, but in obvious public relations stunts. 

Of course they are not going to investigate real fraud and weaponization of government, as was the John Durham investigation, but just to create a lot “noise” to make the mouse sound like a lion. In fact none of the investigations to be set in motion have anything close to the kind of obvious criminal motivation that was demonstrated by Trump, even as some of the investigations have more to do with Trump’s incompetence—such as potential misuse of the Paycheck Protection Program and Afghanistan, where Trump literally allowed the Taliban to infiltrate the entire country in exchange for not attacking U.S. forces while not extracting a single power-sharing concession from them.

Of course the nothing-burger that is the Hunter Biden case is only to embarrass the president, and even on the border issue, which Trump made worse by allowing an army of migrants to grow camped out on the opposite side of the border with the “promise” that their asylum requests would eventually be “heard,” and now those people represent the so-called “invasion” of “crisis” proportions as they now feel they are allowed to cross over and apply for asylum. 

Of course the numbers will seem “greater” than in prior years if there was a build-up along the border instead of the “normal” flow. But whose interested in facts when it comes to the border, especially when everyone wants to blame Mexico for fentanyl when it is all originating from China? Of course China policy is also on the table, except not its manufacture and export of fentanyl.

It’s all numbskull political grandstanding from the Republicans, nothing more. They act like children playing with their new toys, while the clowns entertain the masses who voted for them. Democrats, of course, can only look on and shake their heads—not in disbelief, but like adults unable to control the playground.

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