Friday, November 6, 2020

With the Borg "king" gone, let's hope that with the rest of the Trump "collective" it is good riddance to bad rubbish


CNN is reporting that even if almost everyone else on the planet concedes that Joe Biden will win the election, Trump has said he has no intention to concede the election” and “Aides, including his chief of staff Mark Meadows, have not attempted to bring Trump to terms of what’s happening and have instead fed his baseless claim that the election is being stolen from him.” Trump is apparently so demented that there is a scramble to find someone brave enough to force him to accept reality, perhaps Jared Kushner or Ivanka--the latter the more likely “candidate” for the job, although it isn’t clear that her sense of reality is any more elevated.

On the other hand, the fact that Ivanka or Jared haven’t yet made comments that indicate they have taken a dive into the deep end might make the distasteful job of being the bearer of bad news inevitable. Not that many people will be sorry to see them go, along with Donald Jr., Eric and the rest of that pampered, pointless clan. While they are not calling for the placing of severed heads on pikes like Steve Bannon has done (Twitter has permanently banned his account), they have been unearthing and “sharing” any far-right conspiracy theory that “helps” the cause of collective insanity, as if Trump is the Borg “king,” and for those in his immediate sphere, resistance is “futile.”

Don’t expect Eric to offer resistance: "Where are Republicans! Have some backbone. Fight against this fraud. Our voters will never forget you if your (are) sheep!" This country is supposed to be a “democracy,” right? There are still some Republicans out there who are resisting being “assimilated” into the Trump “collective” and insist on at least the fig leaf of a democratic process; how long they can hold out depends on how well “assimilated” the Republican base is into the Trump mindset--which of course can only be countered if the majority of Republicans refuse to be intimidated by threats from the likes of Trump’s pathetic fry.

Donald Jr. tell us that us that daddy has provided the party with the "perfect platform to show that they're willing & able to fight but they will cower to the media mob instead. Don't worry @realDonaldTrump will fight & they can watch as usual!" In the face of phony claims of election fraud, Don Jr. insists that "Republicans have been weak for decades which has allowed for the left to do these things." We have to remember here that such comments are mere reflections of the mind of the father himself, and not everyone is convinced that what Trump wants is worth fighting to the death for. The other day John Oliver pointed out that if given more time William Barr will continue his push for the “unitary executive theory,” which seeks nothing more or less than a de facto dictatorship with the president’s power virtually unchecked--and resistance will be “futile.”

The Trump clan--including girl friends and spouses--have shown that they are just as clueless in the face of this reality. Once Trump is gone, so goes that collective of mass insanity called his “family.” Some of its members apparently have political aspirations; whether these morons can actually succeed with daddy out of the picture and people start to reflect on what it was all about is an open question. For the rest of us, good riddance to bad rubbish. They can go back to being the nobody leaches they always were before “daddy” became an accidental president.

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