Friday, November 20, 2020

After crazed press conference, Rudy Giuliani punched his ticket to wherever Trump is taking him--to reputation hell, most likely


Doesn’t it seem that everyone currently “working” for Donald Trump is either batshit crazy or a completely shameless opportunist? What do they expect to get after all is said and done? Do they expect Trump to give them a job when he finally leaves office? Do they hope that their reputations will be “enhanced” by their association with Trump? Are their egos bloated from the accolades of bigoted, purposefully ignorant trailer-trash types and people so devoid of the capacity of independent thought that the nuttiest fantasy in transformed into fact if it in any way contradicts undesired reality?

The general consensus is that yesterday’s press conference featuring the deranged tag-team of Rudy Giuliani and QAnon theorist Sidney Powell was, well, deranged. CNN reported that “Christopher Krebs, the fired Department of Homeland Security official who had rejected Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud, tweeted that Giuliani's press conference was the most dangerous 1hr 45 minutes of television in American history. And possibly the craziest.

Even the right-wing National Review was incredulous about the bizarre claims made by the pair:

The Rudy Giuliani–led press conference at the RNC yesterday was the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States. If Giuliani’s charge of a “national conspiracy” to produce fraudulent votes in Democratic cities around the country wasn’t far-fetched enough, attorney Sidney Powell ratcheted it up with the allegation that Communist-designed election machinery was used to change the vote from a Trump landslide to a narrow Biden victory. An obvious question is why, if you can manipulate the vote count via machine, you’d need to bother with old-fashioned fraudulent ballots…For any legislature to turn around now — solely because its party’s candidate lost and refuses to accept the result — and appoint electors in defiance of the public will would lack all legitimacy.

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham has already “grudgingly” conceded that Joe Biden will be the next president, while Tucker Carlson demanded that Powell reveal to the public the “evidence” she has of fraud--which she angrily refused to do. So what does that say about Sean Hannity, who asserted that Giuliani’s conspiracy-laden presser was “brilliant,while Kayleigh McEnany flipped through a bunch of papers she claimed was “evidence” of massive fraud; one suspects the “evidence” was more likely conspiracy claims printed off QAnon websites. McEnany had on the day of the election confidently predicted a “landslide” victory for Trump, so we can “understand” her desperation.

But of all Trump’s sycophants, Giuliani certainly tops the list of the nuttiest of the nuts who have decided that he is their lord and savior, and their “ticket” to wherever the heck they think he is taking them, either to hell or to prison. Giuliani used to have a reputation as a tough prosecutor going after mob bosses, and he became “America’s Mayor” after 9-11, although in retrospect this was less about anything “heroic” he actually did, but about all the sympathetic public relations he was the beneficiary of--even while many in the minority community were charging him with allowing civil rights abuses to be committed by the NYPD without any oversight or accountability.

Whatever reputation Giuliani ever enjoyed before is certainly lost now, from his bogus “investigation” of Hunter Biden to the overturning of democracy and the Constitution. The fact is that in every election mistakes are made, including those in which the Republican candidate won. In 2016, Trump won Pennsylvania by 44,000 votes, Wisconsin by 23,000 votes, and Michigan by 10,000 votes. Hillary Clinton could have gone the crazy route like Trump and disputed every vote. But she didn’t, because she respected the Constitutional process.

But Trump has gone insane with power like any tinpot dictator, purging everyone from his sight who is not fanatically, stupidly loyal, like some two-bit Stalin. Given the new subpoenas that have been served the Trump Organization for tax violations in regard to payments made to Ivanka, Trump is only that much more desperate to overturn the will of the people--and this is the moral and ethical corruption that Giuliani has tied himself to for the rest of his life, and as will be recorded in history books as his most lasting "legacy."

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