Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Dumpster-diving with Trump


Isn’t it amazing how Donald Trump attracts the crackpots of the world? The acting Quaid Brothers, Dennis and Randy, are both Trump supporters, but although Dennis tries to con people into thinking that his support for Trump is actually based on the alleged “good” things Trump has done for “everyone” and not just for his white grievance base, brother Randy is another matter altogether. Randy Quaid has usually played goof-ball characters in his films, but his latest “performance” on twitter video was fit for a loony farm in real life: "Fox News daytime ratings have completely collapsed, weekend daytime even worse. Very sad to watch this happenThey forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose. The only difference between the 2016 election and 2020 is Fox News." 

Now, this may seem like something a “normal” Fox News fanatic would say, but this video not only looked disturbing with the multicolored strobe lights reflected off of Quaid’s demonic facial expressions, but the words were intoned in a fashion that gave pause to consider  his mental state--or that of Trump, who saw fit to retweet this thing. Good god, this is what Trump has wrought? 


This kind of behavior isn't “scary”? Hell, black bloc anarchists don’t even pretend to like Joe Biden, but some really disturbed people can't get enough of their Fuhrer.

With all these nutjobs coming out of the woodwork to proclaim that Trump was "jobbed," it wasn't like they just came out of nowhere--they had to have their enablers, usually Fox News. Yet back in 2018 before Sidney Powell came by her 15 minutes of infamy, even Lou Dobbs--who once accepted the claims of a representative of a white supremacist group that migrants were crossing the border bringing with them an “epidemic” of ;leprosy--apparently had his limits in an interview with Powell; Dobbs actually started waving off in skepticism as Powell claimed that migrants were spreading “polio-like” diseases that caused “paralysis in our children.” Dobbs, perhaps recalling how CNN had to issue a retraction of the leprosy claim, suggested that it wasn’t “fair” to start blaming illegal immigrants for a “disease” that was a figment of her imagination.

Even during last Thursday's press conference as Powell was spouting bizarre QAnon conspiracies about “communist money” from Cuba, Venezuela and even China, and voting machines (not just Dominion’s) were created in a little village at the direction of Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, and were apparently to used for the sole purpose of rigging elections. Rudy Giuliani was standing next her laughing; was he laughing at himself wiping off the sweat and the hair dye--or was he laughing at Powell’s ridiculous claims? Then on Newsmax she claimed that the Republican governor of Georgia Brian Kemp, Dominion, the CIA and Chavez were all somehow part of a vast conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.

The Trump campaign, which had welcomed Powell’s insane claims, now finds itself as a bit of joke. Let’s remember that Powell was also the lawyer of Michael Flynn, so we can “understand” where all that “conspiracy” defense nonsense came from. He’s still a confessed perjurer. Also present at that infamous press conference was Joe diGenova, who along with wife Victoria Toensing have off-and-on provided Trump with “legal” advice, and although Trump didn’t find them sufficiently “telegenic” to  speak for him “officially,” their nonsense legal ideas he did find appealing. 

On November 14, Trump had tweeted “Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives. Actually, none of the other “wonderful lawyers” wanted anything to do with this clown show, and diGenova and Toensing--having been “exposed” again for previous anti-Semitic conspiracies-- have abruptly been “excused” from the party. And Powell--well, only Maria Bartiromo seems to take her seriously anymore--and Bartiromo isn't exactly all "there" either. Oh, and Dobbs too, who is calling Powell a "great American" in her fight to keep insanity alive in America.

What we see here is that Trump goes dumpster-diving on the television, and any garbage he finds to his liking he pulls it out, until he finds that it stinks a little more than he thought it would and he reluctantly tosses it back in the trash where it should have stayed. If this was anyone but Trump, he'd be heading for the exits for his own good; but not this guy--he's going to keep on playing in the trash.

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