Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When one person's "sweets" is posion to others

When I first moved to Seattle I had only enough money to rent a low-income apartment. I didn’t have a job or the immediate prospect of having one, but I put on sport coat and the kid manager thought I was “safe” to rent to right then and there. Not liking the prospect of living on hot dogs and water for longer than a first paycheck, I looked at the classified ads, and the only prospect for immediate employment seemed to be the security business. All I had to do was walk in the office and I was hired; low-low pay tends to have that effect on retention. I preferred the jobs in empty buildings at night, but I was seldom that fortunate. 

Once I was sent to Green Lake Park, to “guard” some outdoor stereo equipment. There were no lights and no moon, and it was darker than dark among the trees. I asked the supervisor who dropped me off there if I could obtain a flashlight and a walkie-talkie; he said he’d come back “soon” with them. In the meantime, between dusk and dawn I thought I was an extra in a horror movie; bums and tramps seemed to come out of nowhere, walking in and out of sight like ghostly apparitions. Some wandered zombie-like around the site as if it was the “Night of the Living Dead.” Although none of these guys actually attacked or threatened me, I still spent most of the night in constant fear for my life. When the morning light came, so did the supervisor and the gear I had requested, but by then the “zombies” and ghouls had all decided to sleep off (or drink off) their nights’ exertions. 

Another park I was sent to was Camp Long in West Seattle. I was supposed to walk the perimeter at night, but just before I began there arrived a party of women who struck me as “eccentric” in their dress and manner. One of them approached me and informed me that it was the desire of her group that I stay as far as possible away from their little show. I saw them trudge off to far corner of the park, light a little bonfire (they apparently had permission to do this) and proceeded to gyrate around the fire, and intone some strange chant.

I’m no expert in these things, but I can distinguish between a typical night out with friends, and an attempt to escape from reality. These people were trying to create an alternate universe in which they had the “power” to become one with nature. I’m not talking Jeremiah Johnson here, nothing that complicated. I’m talking about some fantasy land of the mind in which they reign supreme, apart from “patriarchal” society. It really is just a political statement. After all, it is “Mother” Nature, although “Mother” isn’t often a very nice person—even to those who worship her like a pagan idol.              
The world is littered with examples of such people who profess a “positive” world, yet upon closer inspection is more negative in aspect. The way some people interpret the teachings of the Koran is one example. Another is the insular nature of “sisterhood” as opposed to the universality of “brotherhood,” and often the occasion for what can be interpreted as inherently discriminatory. What in some demographics is considered “doing their job” police work is often considered unjustified harassment by another. What one group considers “safe” behavior can be considered an invitation to violence by another. What one demographic considers proper remedial action to right a perceived wrong, can be viewed as tyranny by another. 

It seems that some people are hopelessly mired in a world where morality and ethics are beyond rational definition. Take for instance Laine Lawless, a person I first encountered on the webpages of the Southern Poverty Law Center a few years ago. Lawless is a loud and proud lesbian and militant feminist, who once was the den mother of some lesbian group that worshipped Xena, who some may remember was a television character played by Lucy Lawless, who is no relation to the former. Xena didn’t have any apparent male love interests (Lucy altered that perception in the “Spartacus” series), and so it was “assumed” by those so wired that she was having a lesbian affair with her blonde sidekick. Naturally, Xena served as an “inspiration” for “strong” and “independent” women who had no use for men; on the other hand, her counterpart, Hercules (played by Kevin Sorbo), was never seen as anything but your typical Hollywood fantasy figure. 

All of that is curious but otherwise “harmless.” So is Lawless’ “advice” for gays and lesbians on her personal website:  “Let’s get real:  gay men are like satyrs gone wild when it comes to sex; the more the merrier.  Most gay male couples just learn to live with their loved one having multiple partners.  Men have no problem separating sex from love, so it’s no big deal.  Stop acting like some jilted straight chick, Jose!”

That’s pretty much where the “humor” ends, however. In the same breath Lawless announces “I’ve been attacked by the extreme left wing media repeatedly and called pejorative names like butch dyke, bull dyke, etc., even though they supposedly are gay-friendly.  I’ve reported their politically incorrect slander to GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation media monitoring organization.  While it’s not OK to make prejudicial remarks about Jews or negroes, it’s still OK to use unflattering slang words to refer to gays.”

Remember what I said about ethics and morality for some people? Lawless was being attacked by the left alright, but in her skewed worldview she was apparently hearing things—or if she wasn’t, it was from her fellow right-wingers put-off by her uninhibited, embarrassing antics. Lawless chose to “interpret” what hate group watchers said about her racial believes as attacks on her sexual orientation, not on her virulent strain of racism. Somehow her refusal to reconcile her own sense of “victimhood” with her race hate only highlights the incongruity of her anti-immigrant, anti-black and anti-Jewish beliefs. 

Lawless was a leading member of the so-called Minuteman movement, basically armed thugs patrolling the southern border looking for some “action.” Apparently becoming bored by the lack of action, Lawless attempted to contract with the National Socialist Movement, regarded as the most violent strain of Neo-Nazism in the country, with immigrants the principle “enemy.” She provided them with ideas on how to deal with people presumed to be illegal immigrants: “Steal the money from any illegal walking into a bank or check cashing place” or “Make every illegal alien feel the heat of being a person without status. … I hear the rednecks in the South are beating up illegals as the textile mills have closed. Use your imagination.” 

Of course the problem is that it is actually kind of hard to tell the difference between someone who is legal and is illegal in the targeted group. There is an 80 percent chance that the person being beat-up is a U.S. citizen or a legal resident. But to white racists, it is a “distinction” without a “difference”; just ask Pat Buchanan—they all should be booted out of his “fair” country.

 It didn’t have much play in the local papers, but a few years ago Washington native and nativist Shawna Forde organized and led a racially-motivated home invasion in Arizona in which a Latino man and his nine-year-old daughter were murdered. Forde has since been convicted and currently sits on death row.  Lawless admitted that she met Forde the day after the killings. What they discussed has not been revealed, but Lawless claims that Forde is the victim of a “racist and sexist” conspiracy and is the victim of “racial profiling” because she is white.  “Shawna’s become the target of a socialist government’s clumsy attempts to marginalize and terrorize America’s patriots” and is the victim of “the unholy government/Marxist-media alliance.”

But if there is a certain “incongruity” of a militant lesbian promoting violent racism, then so would 9-year-old girls hitting the concert circuit singing songs promoting race hate and race war. This begins with their mother, April Gaede. Gaede believes that “White people are and have been overwhelmingly the victims of interracial violence for years, not the perpetrators — though the Jewish media tell us the opposite. We must reclaim the moral high ground that is rightfully ours, and use every opportunity to show the madness and injustice of White guilt, multiracialism, and universalist attempts to convert other races.” National crime statistics show that interracial violence is not the norm; homicide rates in particular show that in the vast majority of cases are inner-racial. Although whites have lower interracial homicide rates as perpetrators, one must remember that they also vastly outnumber blacks, thus rendering the rates meaningless in terms of raw numbers.

Gaede has been all over the place getting her “message” across. She told the BBC that “I find other races annoying. … I don’t like their chattering in other languages, I don’t like the way they look. I mean, 99% of them, they’re just not pretty. I don’t want to be around them. I don’t like the fact they seem to make everything just dirty and messy wherever they are. I don’t like to be around them. I want to be around all white people.” She probably speaks for more people than she knows, although from what I can tell at work, non-whites don’t have a lock on “messiness.” In 2006 she informed the men’s magazine GQ that “Did you know anti-Semitism is a disease? Yeah, you catch it from Jews.”

But Gaede wouldn’t have received such notoriety had it not been for the fact that she “managed” her twin daughters, Lynx and Lamb, as lead singers from the age of nine in a musical group called Prussian Blue—a reference to Zyklon B, used in mass gassings at Nazi extermination camps. The girls—both proud blonde and blue-eyed specimens, at least for their mother—sang racist songs, usually at concerts for the benefit white supremacist audiences. “What young, red-blooded American boy isn’t going to find two blonde twins, 16 years old, singing about white pride and pride in your race … very appealing?” Gaede salaciously proclaimed. The SPLCenter called them  the “new face of hate,” but the girls seem to have had a change of heart of late. This may be due to the fact that both suffer from serious congenital medical issues, although they may believe that the hand of God may also be involved.  

Scrambling to respond to the girls’ sudden conversion from promiscuous disseminators of hate through song to “not hating anyone” and wishing to live in a world of “love and light” while blaming their mother for indoctrinating them, Gaede claims that the girls have not actually given-up the fight. Rather, they are “scamming” the “Jewish media” the way she “taught” them. “The girls are using the Jews media to make bank as usual. If they had done anything else they would not have gotten any attention. For a money making scheme I guess I can’t blame them too much.” Given the “shock waves” the conversion sent into the white supremacist world, the “attention” certainly wasn’t designed to “make money,” since the girls don’t plan to sing their songs anymore.

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