Monday, November 7, 2022

Keep the faith: Johnny Depp knows of and appreciates the support of people fighting every day to reveal the truth--even as the MSM has succeeded in other cases to frame the "narrative"


I’m going to change things up a bit here this Monday. I’ll start off with the past goings on in Depp/Heard World, then go on to speak to other cases where the mainstream media has succeeded fantastically in framing the “narrative.”

First off, Heard seems to be claiming “stateless” status to avoid accountability for her crimes. I had written before that I suspected that this was her intention while she was in Israel, although I rather doubt that if Heard loses her appeal that any country will extend her visa or give her “asylum” for the reason of evading justice. Again, why isn’t the mainstream media commenting on this, or where Heard is getting her money if she is supposed to be “broke”? Sure sounds like “news” to me.

Meanwhile, Christopher Melcher was more impressed with the latest appeal filings by Depp and now believes he has a chance at winning his appeal. Of course that hasn’t stopped pro-Heard media from pathetically whining that “Sore winner Johnny Depp appeals $2 million granted to Amber Heard” as Mary Kate Carr is doing in a Yahoo Entertainment piece. Of course as Melcher and others have noted, Depp had little choice in the matter after Heard appealed, because much of his evidence (including Dr. Kimberly Collins’ testimony) was not permitted to be heard, and given the faint possibility of Heard “winning” her appeal, his team needed to file motions for excluded testimony vital to any retrial.

Not surprisingly, Heard stans are going ballistic after it was announced that Rihanna is giving Johnny Depp a guest appearance in her upcoming fashion show. I observed that NBC News joined the outrage parade; note, however, the number of “likes” on their YouTube video on the subject despite the fact that they have 7 million subscribers and over 40,000 views of this video:


It is obvious that the mainstream media is wildly overstating support for Heard—which only sounds “loud” because they have a larger platform, kind of like a lone person’s yelling echoing from a mountain top. But the truth speaks louder than any fanatic's political obsession. On one twitter page from a supporter of Heard, one dissenter juxtaposed these images, to which there was no effort to “explain” the seeming dissimilarity in reality, because there was none to be made:



And then Heard stans like r/DeppDelusion (who also instantly block anyone "unfriendly") are having a field day with supposed arrest of Alejandro Romero, who we remember gave testimony in the Virginia trial. Here they are adding to their ignorant ways by also attacking Andy Signore from Popcorned Planet, who invited Romero and a lot of other Depp supporters to the Las Vegas concert and meet up with Depp personally to express their support:


Romero apparently had a few too many drinks and was escorted out. Signore said that the incident is being way overblown by Heard stans and his efforts to set the record straight were met with the expected comment blocks. One thing to certainly outrage those who thought Signore and his posse were going to be given the “who are you” treatment, they were “sadly” mistaken. As revealed in Signore’s post here: Depp not only knew of him and other YouTube supporters, but invited him and TheRealLauraB into his dressing room to confess that he “learned a lot” from watching their videos, before sending a personal message thanking all for their support:


OK, enough of that for this week. Now, I’m going to cite some examples here of how the mainstream media has been highly successful in framing the “narrative,” but which I have “questions” about that unlike most people I am willing to “risk” my credibility by pointing out, but for which I believe  reveals the hypocrisy of the society we live in today and the fear of the truth in the face of societal “backlash.” Let’s talk about three cases which I have talked about before, and why perspectives such as mine should receive a hearing, even an unfair one.

First, let's revisit the Trayvon Martin case. We all know what the mainstream media “narrative” is, as well as that of hypocritical activists.  The news outlet Reuters followed the narrative early on, with its first stories claiming that Sanford, Florida had a “racist” past. Then it decided to confront residents about this past; what it discovered instead was something far different from the accepted “narrative” in this story:

This was a story of a fearful Hispanic mother whispering in her phone to 911 trying to keep her infant son quiet while hiding in a closet as two black males were ransacking her apartment. This was a story about a neighborhood wracked with similar crimes by young black male “transients.” This was a neighborhood that like many in the town was demanding action by the police to stop this, and took the advice of the police chief to establish neighborhood watch “captains.” This was a neighborhood where just two weeks before Martin appeared that the watch captain was shamed after he took the advice of police and waited for them but they never showed up while two black males robbed a house with the residents gone. To George Zimmerman, the black male he had never seen before who was "peeking" inside darkened windows was just another one of these people.

And the truth was is that Martin was one of those people. The Miami Herald reported that Martin—who had already been suspended from school twice for drug possession and vandalism—was again not subject to criminal accountability after “found jewelry” was taken off his person while wandering the school hallways. A nearby resident reported those very items stolen from their home that very day, yet police did nothing with Martin—who obviously cared more about being a “gangsta” than be in school anyways when he was suspended for a third time.

His mother couldn’t deal with him anymore, and so she sent her son with no respect for the law or property to his father living in that Sanford neighborhood—a neighborhood already with a crime problem from people just like Martin; and yet it was Zimmerman who was demonized in a way I think is racist because, as I have said before, it easy to demonize Hispanics in this country. And, yes, at least one witness said he heard Zimmerman calling for help, and saw the just short of 18-years-old (i.e. adult, not an “innocent child”) Martin trying to bash Zimmerman’s head against the pavement before he was shot in a clear case of self-defense. What was Zimmerman supposed to do—let Martin kill him?

Now let’s have another unpopular perspective, the case of Gabby Petito. Her parents are suing the Moab, Utah police for not “protecting” their daughter after a traffic stop. The media of course spins this however they please, but one should note that early on it was admitted that Petito suffered from mental health issues, and that her parents “hoped” that Brian Laundrie would “help” her—for them, since we can presume that they didn’t want to deal with her any longer. Of course that isn’t stopping them from looking for people to blame. After her body was found all mention of her mental health issues disappeared, and no one was wondering what she did to his mind when all this occurred, including killing himself so that his body was torn apart, apparently by alligators.

The complete Moab police cam video should be sufficient to throw out the Petito lawsuit. The media keeps showing Petito crying in the van; what we don’t hear from a simple image is that the police are trying to determine if they should arrest her for domestic violence, because it was clear that Laundrie’s erratic driving was caused by actions that created the scratches on his arm. Petito comes off as less “sympathetic” than pathetic and irritating, almost like an emotional child; Laundrie is heard trying to excuse her actions, but notes that she has psychological “issues” that sound suspiciously like the ones the next person I’m going to talk about was diagnosed with—the kind that would make this road trip one they should never have undertaken, because for one there would be no escape, like just leaving the house—and I’m not referring to Petito. If her death was tragic, so was his.

The next case is that of a Bellevue, WA woman named Julia Biryukova, who is a naturalized Russian/Ukrainian immigrant, whose 2-year-old son, Sky Metalwala,  “disappeared” after she left him in a car after allegedly running out of gasoline. We hear so many stories about adult white women who disappeared, but no body ever found, and it is assumed a male  she  was in a relationship with murdered her and disposed of the body, and he is convicted on little more than hearsay and “circumstantial” evidence. Yet when it comes to a child (especially if it isn’t a cute white girl), a white woman can literally get away with murder even though what evidence there is suggests that she killed the child.

Why wasn’t Biryukova charged with child endangerment when she left her 2-year-old son (who she claimed was “sick” and was taking to the hospital) in a car by himself? Police knew she lied when she claimed she ran out of gas and left him in the car to get gasoline; there was two gallons of gas still in the tank. If he was so sick, why didn’t she call an ambulance? And if she insisted on the lie, then she should have been charged; if she admitted it was a lie, then she would have had to answer for why she left Sky (yeah, he has a name—not an “it”) in the car—or where he was in reality.

Other questions: why didn’t investigators search her home for evidence? Why didn’t they question or tail friends or relatives? Did someone try to find out if flight records showed a child taken out of the country to her birth home? All we know is that police have received 2,500 “tips” and are still “hoping” for one that “helps” them “solve” the case.

The problem is that everyone around here is certain that Biryukova knows where the child is, probably buried somewhere. And she was diagnosed with mental health issues—including obsessive compulsive disorder. Her former husband, Solomon Metalwala, found her to be constantly obsessed with “cleanliness,” and finding fault with everything he did, to the point he chose to eat his meals outside on occasion to escape her incessant harping. Neighbors complained about the noise from a vacuum cleaner at all hours of the night. As implied, the behavior of Petito was along similar lines, with Laundrie telling the Moab police that she was constantly berating him about things like “dirty feet” or putting things in the wrong place in the van. The problem is that they were in this van together; unlike Metalwala, Laundrie couldn't just "leave." 

Besides being diagnosed with “obsessive compulsive disorder,” Biryukova had other disturbing psychological lapses that led to her being committed three times for potentially being a danger to herself and her two children, including a daughter. Biryukova was hospitalized, for example, after claiming that she was having “dreams” of killing the children. Yet despite the fact that CPS found no evidence for her claims that her now ex-husband had abused the children, a divorce court gave her full custody of the children, and denied Metalwala visitation rights; he now has custody of his daughter, and a third child that Biryukova had was removed from her custody. It is just too bad that the “system” had to wait for the disappearance of this boy to realize it was wrong to believe the mother:


What we see in the Sky Metalwala disappearance is one where the “system” failed massively because it was in “believe all women” mode despite the fact that all the available evidence showed that Biryukova was a liar and the real danger to her children. People around here know that she likely murdered the child and he is hidden somewhere, yet she walks free because this society is more likely to see an adult white female as more “human” than other forms of human life, and given every benefit of the doubt if there is one to have. Despite all the claims by gender advocates that this isn’t the case, it is their own politicizing of gender and constant claims of "victimhood" that has made this the reality.

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