Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Is Elizabeth Holmes, like Amber Heard, cynically playing the “mommy” con to evade justice?

Since it will take at least a week for the mid-term elections to shakeout into some form of coherence, there is other news of interest. Amazingly enough, Elizabeth Holmes may actually learn that to lie and deceive to the tune of billions of dollars has costs that she believed she was immune from because of her “celebrity” and blonde white womanhood. Holmes has exhausted her appeals in federal court—here arriving at the courthouse to hear the judge’s ruling denying her appeal...


 …and is due for sentencing along with her partner, Sunny Balwani—who because he is an “ethnic” man and Holmes is that attractive blonde white woman, he was “clearly” the “evil” Svengali in all of this, with Holmes claiming that he literally “abused” her into doing “his” bidding even though he was technically her employee doing what she wanted him to do.

But Holmes has another con-job up her sleeve which she hopes will save her from jail. To recap, for people who don’t think there is a gender double standard benefiting women, the case of Holmes, founder of Theranos and its “miracle” blood testing machine, is just more proof that there is one. She personally conned many high-profile personages into investing in her company—making her an instant billionaire from inflated expectations and becoming a media darling simply because she was a woman. She used a fake persona as a Steve Jobs wannabe, and used a more “manly” tone of voice that few were willing to see was all part of a “con.” It worked for awhile, before whistleblowers and investigators discovered that the “Edison” was little more than an empty box.

Perhaps we can say in her “defense” that she was extremely naïve and believed that anything was possible if you only wish it. But let’s be frank, she was no Steve Jobs, who had tech know-how and knew what was or wasn’t possible. It now seems ridiculous on the face of it, but Holmes conned everyone into believing that a single drop of blood could be tested for dozens of maladies at once—and there was never any evidence to suggest that this was even possible.

And let’s be perfectly clear about one other thing: Those high-profile investors didn’t know or care who Sunny Balwani was; they wanted the positive publicity from elevating a female tech “superstar” from the ground up. They believed her—she was the principle con artist here:


The mainstream media, such a the New York Times, chose to blame investors for not doing their "due diligence," but the Times could be accused of that as well in its early reporting on Holmes. When one of those investors, Alan Eisenman,  requested additional information about the progress of the Edison, she insisted on the lies, and offered to buy out Eisenman's stake to prevent any further inquiries, which would have revealed that Holmes was repeatedly warned by people who were actually building this contraption that it was unworkable. She didn't want to know the truth, or that anyone else would.

Holmes refused to accept the fact that her skyscraper of cards was about to come crashing down. She insisted on being told fictions because she refused to believe anything else. The “buck,” as they say, stopped with her. Yet a jury found her guilty on only four of eleven counts of fraud, while a separate trial found her partner in crime, Balwani, guilty on all 12 counts. Why was Balwani and not Holmes regarded as the principle criminal in this caper? Well, I mentioned one of the reasons at the top, that she was a “helpless” white woman under the trance of an evil dark-skinned man.

But all those employees—including Balwani—were principally “guilty” of was trying to help make her egotistical “dream” come “true” and buy her enough time to perform a “miracle” while she conned so many people into believing her. And now she is pulling another con-job on the public and justice system: cynically playing “mother” for “sympathy” and the hope that a judge will overlook her crimes and keep her out of jail, maybe only do “house arrest” or a lengthy “probation.”

People should be skeptical about Holmes new role as “mother,” with one child born and apparently another on the way. Why has she not married the child(s) father? Because this isn’t about “family” for her, this is just using both him and their children as props for “sympathy” and evasion of accountability for her crimes. Amber Heard is playing the same “game”; she may not be facing jail time, but her frequent photo ops with child are clearly aimed to engage sympathy for herself, although many people have more sympathy for the child—for once this child starts having a mind of her own, one can only imagine the way a borderline and histrionic disorder-type will react to that (well, we know per Christina Crawford). 

Oh, and let's not forget that Heard may cynically see the child as her  "meal ticket," if the child isn't already, courtesy of that guy already making a mess of Twitter, targeting left-wing celebrities and politicians like a right-wing bully-boy.

Gender advocates keep making the hypocritical claim that society sides with men in all things, and this is simply borderline personality disorder thinking. Chris Cuomo was “cancelled” from CNN simply because his brother was named Andrew, and Al Franken was forced to resign his U.S. Senate seat because he had once jokingly pretended to cover a sleeping woman’s breasts with his hands back in his acting days. I mean, really? Only the political left would eat its own on the flimsiest of pretexts to satisfy gender activists; even those accused of racial "insensitivity" are more often given a "pass" after an "apology."

What we see here is that Holmes is hoping that the real double-standard in our society—the “believe-all-women” are victims and never victimizers—will help her evade the justice she deserves. And what better way to “confirm” her “credibility” as a feminist-created symbol of a “dreamer” in the company of (male) wolves who preyed on her well-meaning “naiveté.” But let’s not forget she took on male “traits,” and became one of those “wolves” herself, preying on the naïve who wanted to see a woman succeed as a tech marvel.

But Holmes was never tech “savvy” or had anything but a “dream” of being rich and famous. Now that she is only “famous” for the wrong reasons, her principle occupation is to stay out of jail, and there can be no doubt that having a child or two in her scheming mind would help her do it. We all can be cynical about this too after seeing the mainstream media willing to throw away its credibility in supporting liars against their real victims.


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