Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Even if Trump's legal troubles are deserved, it also means he can't just "go away" now on his own "terms"


Before I get into today’s topic I want to point out a new documentary that the mainstream media is trying not to mention as to keep people from being aware of its existence, entitled Surviving Amber Heard




Apparently Vimeo is the only platform willing to stream it at a price, and from what I can tell from excerpts—that includes eyewitness testimony from her former friends—Heard comes across as someone that the drug use and abusive behavior that she attributed to Depp was in fact a reimagining of her own behavior.

There are a couple of YouTube videos out there in response to the Netflix documentary where I see in the comments section women who desperately want to believe Heard’s stories but are having trouble reconciling that desire with the evidence against her; while viewing this Vimeo documentary may not push that type over the fence, it will certainly serve as confirmation for those already over it.  I’ll watch the complete documentary this weekend and give a personal review of it.

Anyways, this is the face that the British and Australian version of Fox News—Sky News—tells us will be the “mugshot” that will cause Joe Biden’s “downfall":


Voters will “rise up” against Biden because they can’t face the truth and they need to attack the person who they blame for making them feel “bad” about supporting a bad man. Of course I have an opinion about what Sky News actually claimed: Oh really? We’ll see how many people trust voting for a man with this evil look. It's a window into his soul. And probably all these people's as well.

I don’t know what Trump and his 18 clown show co-defendants—all indicted from testimony in front of a grand jury—thought they hoped to accomplish by attempting to “find” or “lose” enough votes to win him Georgia. Frankly it does seem a little “shocking” that he lost a Deep South state, but then again Georgia also elected two Democrats to the U.S. Senate; perhaps some residents are refugees from fascist Florida. But we can tell that some people, like Jenna Ellis…


…think this is some kind of “joke,” while others, like Lutheran pastor Stephen Lee…


…apparently believes a morally corrupt man on virtually every level is worthy of his saintly efforts to induce election workers to “confess” to false claims of fraud. So far, Trump has been indicted on financial and tax fraud charges in New York, inciting insurrection in Washington D.C., misappropriation of classified documents in Florida, and racketeering in Georgia; if this was another time or place, this would be the end of Trump's political "career," but not when you  have zealots like these.

We can ask ourselves if this is all political propaganda and if Trump wasn’t Trump none of this would be regarded as crimes. Unfortunately, Trump is Trump, and his “charisma” is such that the lemmings will brainlessly follow him over the cliff…


…and like that faked film footage from the Disney documentary White Wilderness, Trump’s rural following will believe any urban myth perpetrated by a man descending his golden escalator to the tune of Neil Young’s “Rockin in the Free World”...



...ironic since Young’s song was a critique of the Reagan years and the lyric “keep hope alive” was Jesse Jackson’s campaign slogan; but that just shows you the ignorance of Trump and the reality that he and his followers wish you didn’t know about by ignoring the right's policies which created an ever widening wealth inequality gap by using “culture war” theology to have people fight amongst each other for the crumbs that drop from the table.

While there are those who believe Trump and his henchpersons are only getting what they deserve for not knowing right from wrong, or quietly going into the sunset, or not actively trying to destroy any shred of civility in this country because some people just can’t face life or lack any shred of empathy for people who are “different” than they are, we have to face the disquieting fact that a CBS poll suggests that Trump voters trust him more than their own family and friends, which in turn suggests that there does exist some “internal” disagreement about how people actually feel about him.

There seems little doubt to thinking people that someone like Trump was (and is) unfit to be president, and that was borne out by the fact that there was no rhyme of reason to his policies foreign or domestic. He alienated allies, his “tough guy” stance towards Iran only had the opposite effect “intended” with Iran moving closer to a bomb, and the attempt to be “friends” with North Korea was thrown back in his orange face. Domestically, he brought in unqualified and self-serving people both in his administration and into the courts who were allowed to run amuck with decisions based solely on their personality defects.

Trump promises, if elected again, to “lock up” his political enemies. This may be just a lot of hot air from this blowhard, but it reveals his dictatorial and vindictive tendencies. The tough part about all of this is why are we taking Trump seriously anymore and say we’ve seen enough of this, he needs to go packing. 

That is probably the one thing all these indictments has done for Trump: it means he won’t be allowed to just “go away” quietly on his own terms because of  public interest in his fate, and too many of his followers see his legal issues as indictments of their own corruptions. For Trump, he "needs" to be elected again so he theoretically remains "untouchable" legally.

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