Sunday, August 14, 2022

What Anne Heche and Johnny Depp had in common: a bad relationship harming their lives and careers


On August 5, there was a horrific crash in a Los Angeles neighborhood, where a vehicle reportedly traveling at 90 mph struck first a parking garage and then somehow plowed straight through a house, where it exploded into a fireball and caused such structural damage to the home and flames that it took 59 firefighters to finally extinguish the flames and extract the driver from the vehicle (the homeowner was uninjured), who suffered significant burns and head injuries. There was misinformation in real time as people viewed the scene on television; here we the person on the stretcher suddenly emerging from the sheets, with one “action news” reporter on the spot exclaiming that “he” was trying to “escape”:


We found out soon afterward that “he” was a “she,” actress Anne Heche. Tests showed that she was high on drugs and alcohol. She had participated in a podcast a few hours earlier where she appeared to be in “high” spirits and boasted how she and the podcaster were planning on getting drunk; she subsequently stopped at a wig shop, where she asked for a blue wig, but settled for a red one. The proprietor said the encounter was “odd” but friendly as he was able to snap a “selfie” with her.

Although she was initially declared to be in “stable” condition, by the end of the week it was admitted that Heche was brain damaged past the point of recovery and declared officially deceased on Friday. Her ex-partner, Ellen DeGeneres, tweeted condolences but quickly deleted it, which wasn’t all that unexpected considering their history. DeGeneres has been reported to oversee a hostile work environment on her talk show, but has thus far not been “cancelled” for reasons we can assume in this double standards society.

The Heche and DeGeneres “partnership” did have a detrimental effect on Heche’s career, when she previously had been regarded as an “A-lister.” DeGeneres was controlling, did not want Heche to dress like, well, a “woman,” or want her to continue relationships with old friends or anyone Degeneres didn’t approve of, meaning not a “threat” to her control over her. Heche decided to end the relationship because of this isolation from the community that she thrived in professionally, although by the time the relationship ended it was an uphill battle.

In an effort to “recover,” in public and in interviews Heche usually seemed rather “bubbly.” That’s not to say that she was “high” on something, but perhaps just over-compensating to recover her former goodwill in Hollywood—or perhaps this was her natural personality that was subdued by DeGeneres, who like some other people we know put up a media-supported façade at odds with the reality.

Heche wasn’t the only example of a (in her case, rising) star who found their career derailed by getting into a relationship with a controlling narcissist who alienated them from personal and business friends. Of course we are talking about Johnny Depp (who Heche expressed support for) having his Hollywood studio career impaired by getting involved with a controlling narcissist like Amber Heard. Now why would he get involved with someone like Heard in the first place? 

Well, they happened to work on a film together (The Rum Diary), and Heard is reportedly very difficult to “resist” when she puts on her act in combination with her perfect “beauty.” She also never up to that point (or afterwards) worked with a star of Depp’s stature (remember how Morgan Tremaine glanced at her when he mentioned "B-list celebrities"), and being who she is took advantage of this golden “opportunity” to snag herself a real “A-lister” as a “trophy husband.”

What is also apparent is that Depp found her not an “A-lister” as an intimate partner, and why he expected things to change for the better when they married is a mystery; that things got worse was probably “planned” by Heard (but derailed when Depp did not put her in his will and wanted a pre-nup). We saw this when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s relationship  went south within a year of their marriage (that their children persuaded them to do), probably because Jolie no longer had a motivation to control her own known mental health issues that were also hidden with the help of her media-fueled “image.”

But that’s old news. What’s the “new” news? We’ve already discussed the Eyes Wide Shut-type sex parties in which Heard not only took part in, but recruited women, supposedly from the struggling “lesbian” actress community—some of them technically “underage”—to help them get “connections,” get some work, or like her to just to have some “fun” where socially unsophisticated rich men treated them like “queens”; as noted before, Heard is the “gift” that keeps on “giving” despite what the mainstream media would have you believe.

For example, Newsweek and NBC News employ “journalists” with activist agendas who have no interest in objective reporting, but offering a distorted picture based on cherry-picked statements out of context and ignoring information that would expose their side of hypocrisy. The desperation of some in the mainstream media in attempting (mostly unsuccessfully) to keep people ignorant of Heard’s past escapades means that activities that otherwise would be of little interest, is now “important” because it undercuts the narrative that the MSM is trying to foist on the public, that Heard is some kind of pathetic “victim.”

Thus we find NBC’s “entertainment” and “media” reporter Kat Tenbarge—whose stories almost exclusively have a gender politics angle—reporting how Heard’s PR firm has issued a cease-and-desist order against an Internet “influencer” who goes by the handle of TheRealLauraB, who apparently tweeted a question to a woman named Kamilla who has been doxing and making idiotic statements against people perceived as Depp supporters. The question was whether this is the person with the same name working for Heard’s PR firm, to whom Heard supporter Michele Dauber wrote a “personal” missive in her “defense” that can be interpreted as confirming this. But because the woman is black, Tenbarge suggested “racism” was the motivation for making the inquiry.

Perhaps surprisingly to NBC, Depp supporters flooded the NBC News twitter page with pushback against this fake news garbage. When people expressed outrage that Tenbarge ignored the much more nauseating behavior of Heard’s social media supporters, Tenbarge offered this pathetic defense…


…which was countered by this screenshot that plainly shows that unlike Depp supporters who back their statements with facts, Heard supporters behave either with the emotional and intellectual “maturity” of spoiled children who have always had things their way--or like psychopaths:


That isn't "newsworthy"? As mentioned in regard to the Logan story, when people are obviously desperate to conceal the truth, this naturally leads to “speculation.” Thus people are also questioning the veracity of Heard’s “mothering” skills, or even if the baby she has been photographed with (but not seen, it seems, in “live” video) is simply a “prop.” We know that Heard likes using babies as a prop for PR stunts; here in Mexico she is seen snatching a baby just out of surgery from the arms of a horrified nurse…


…and we’ve seen video of Heard on one occasion snatching former personal assistant Kate James’ baby for another photo op. Now, instead of going back to work like Depp is doing, Heard apparently sold a house and is spending the money on a vacation in Israel; she apparently believes that spending money like its water running out of a near empty well just means it isn’t going to Depp. Why in a place like Israel? Not that she’s found religion or to prove she is not an anti-Semite, after a Saudi billionaire allegedly asked her to marry him.  She probably knows if she takes a “holiday” in Europe she probably won’t get the same “royal treatment” as Depp has been receiving—in fact quite the opposite—although to be honest, hardly anyone but a few paparazzi have been paying attention to Heard in Israel, and that “attention” suggests that Heard should hire another PR firm giving her bad advice, if she listens to their advice at all.

For example, it is not a “good look” for Heard to be parading around with someone with as much negative baggage as Eve Barlow, but to be fair if Barlow is her current domestic partner, we can only say that Heard needs all the “friends” she can get, even bad ones. Here we see Barlow cutting Heard’s food for her; the story attached to this image states that Barlow was, well, baby-feeding Heard:


Which of course brings us to the question of where the real “baby” is, not the 36-year-old one. We are told that Heard is vacationing with her surrogate-birthed daughter, yet there have been no images of the child anywhere on this trip. In fact I have never seen a “live” video with this baby, and the Internet has been abuzz about whether Heard actually has a full-time baby and raising it; it is suggested that she is “renting out” a baby (or babies) for photo ops as a PR stunt. I don’t really believe this, but then again Heard was never big on providing evidence to support her claims. Here we see Heard with an empty baby carriage in Israel that apparently is only being used as a shopping cart:


In this image taken a year earlier, we see the same thing:



What is Heard and what appears to be Barlow again laughing about? Are they laughing at us for being taken in by the con? I wouldn’t put it past Heard, who claimed she “donated” $7 million to the ACLU and the children’s hospital when in fact she donated almost none of it from her own pocket—although more appropriately from the money paid to her by Depp for that purpose.

Anyways, here is the “real” Heard presenting her “daughter” as a photo op to make herself look “good”…



…and what we know of the demonic version of Heard, when such a child grows up to have her own mind, we can see TheRealAmberH doing something like this:



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