Sunday, November 8, 2020

Will Trump supporters be able to accept the terrible truth not just about Trump, but about themselves?


Most of the world is breathing a deep sigh of relief that Donald Trump’s reign of international terror will soon be over, and civilized order will be restored. There are some holdouts, like Russia and China, who have domestic agendas seeking to “prove” that the democratic system in the U.S. is just as corrupt as they wish their own people to believe. Mexico’s president has not extended his congratulations to Biden on his victory, claiming he will wait until all legal challenges are done. Obviously AMLO is spooked by Trump, having already accepted his illegal “remain in Mexico” asylum policy, and Trump still has a couple more months to reek vengeance on all his “enemies.”

While in Europe only anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of the population have “positive” opinions about Trump, with the rest more than happy to see him off the world stage forever, here in this country we continue to see many Republicans in dire fear of crossing Trump, either remaining silent or trying to remain on his “good” side by throwing fuel into the bonfire of voting conspiracies that will consume whatever shred of human decency Trump has left. There is no “path” to victory for Trump, only one that leads straight to the cliff; whether Trump’s diehard allies take the leap with him is another matter, but it probably won’t matter, because by then their credibility outside that with the fanatical base will be shot. As Mary Trump wrote in The Observer, Trump

is going to be a factor in courtrooms in New York City more than he’s going to be a factor in politicsIf he’s acting like a crazy person, senators are going to keep their distance. People will move away from him if there’s nothing in it for them any moreAs for saying he’ll run in 2024, that’s just a face-saving exercise. It’s a way of distracting him from the fact that he’s probably going to prison. But the worst thing Donald’s looking at isn’t financial difficulties or the prospect of jail. It’s becoming irrelevant. I don’t think he would ever recover from that.

Who wants to be a part of that? And what about those likely at least 72 million people who voted for Trump? Will they have second thoughts once the whole truth about him comes out? Trump may not be going to prison, but once he is out of office there will be no more executive barriers to the truth. How long then can people keep lying to themselves? No doubt there will be those who keep themselves in denial, or even claim that wrongdoing is a relative thing, just as they have been doing for the past four years.

The rest of the world has been the outsider, and sometimes it takes an outsider to tell someone the truth. The problem with this country is that there have been too many “insiders” enabling Trump and his crimes, people who look at him and see themselves--unwilling, like Trump, to admit the terrible truth about who they are and the hate that drives them. That will be the most difficult hurdle for the Biden administration to overcome to go forward.

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