Tuesday, October 6, 2020

After his bizarre “performance” at the White House, Trump may not be feeling sick, but he is still a “sick” man


Donald Trump has always been a bit of a fraud throughout his life. He didn’t “create” his wealth--he was born into it. He avoided being eligible for the draft by paying a doctor to lie that he had “bone spurs” in his foot. Mary Trump claims that someone was paid to take his SAT test for him. He claims to be the least racist person you’d ever meet--which doesn’t square with the 1973 Justice Department investigation into racial discrimination in Trump-owned housing units. Trump’s “art of the steal” was about how to con business partners out of their investments and money from Trump’s numerous failed business ventures and bankruptcies. Why does Trump really hate Mexicans? Because his Mexican partners in building a resort in Mexico with the Trump “brand” actually had the gall to expect him to pay for some of the construction cost, which of course Trump then walked away from in a huff.

The New York Times reported that Trump “earned” more than $400 million from “The Apprentice,” and most of it was used to bail out his money-losing business ventures--and the relative pittance he receives in residuals today isn’t nearly enough to pay down an estimated $1.2 billion in total liabilities, about 50 percent of the net worth of his “empire.” But not to worry, say some financial analysts: Trump can sell off 25 percent of his “organization” to pay the $500 million due by 2024. Or he can declare bankruptcy again, and not have to face reality, again.

So it should be of no surprise that Trump is the “master” of staged fakery. Closer examination of photos showing him “working” in the “presidential wing” of Walter Reed Hospital show the maskless Trump signing blank sheets of paper, which is just as well since Trump finds reading a chore to do anyways. But he sure does sign those blank sheets of paper with “relentless” vigor, or so says Ivanka Trump. Then when he arrived at the White House on Monday, another staged event, he is seen standing on a balcony and ripping off his mask. Trump don’t need no stinking mask! Those are for losers and sissies! But be “safe,” even if he can’t be bothered to show anyone what he actually means by that. He just goes to where it is “safe” for him, sitting behind that empty desk in the Oval Office, and wait until his stooges like Stephen Miller fill up those blank pages with their evil agendas and put them in front of him to put that 2-year-old’s crayon scrawl he calls his “signature” on them.

But Trump is no “loser”--everyone else is a “loser.” The COVID-19 isn’t going to beat him, no sir. After telling us it was all nothing to worry about, all fake news, he catches the virus, but no sir it wasn’t because he is a stupid person, it was because he deliberately tried to catch it so he could “find out” what it was all about and “prove” that it was no “big deal”:

"We're going back. We're going back to work. We're gonna be out front. As your leader I had to do that. I knew there's danger to it but I had to do it, I stood out front. I led. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did. I know there's a risk there's a danger. That's OK. And now I'm better, and maybe I'm immune? I don't know. But don't let it dominate your lives. Get out there, be careful."

Don’t expect Trump to tell you what “being careful” means, because if he can’t see it, it ain’t real--and you shouldn’t think it is “real” either. Nevertheless, no expense was spared to provide Trump the finest medical care the federal budget deficit can buy to fight a virus he doesn’t think is really real. Trump was apparently pumped with the latest drug therapies that only billionaires and accidental presidents are afforded, and now feels better than he has in 20 years; if those medications can create that much of a  “high,” then they could be the next big thing in “recreational” drugs. Oh, and that “immunity” thing? Let’s ask Sen. Ron Johnson about that; he tested positive for COVID-19 a second time in September after he supposedly “recovered” from it the first time.

But you know there is no stopping Trump and that mouth and mind gone haywire; he is gonna get out there, and he is going to show everyone that he is just as hair-brained as they thought. I’m reminded of the Johnny Depp movie The Ninth Gate, where Frank Langella believed he had achieved the key to invincibility and immortality, and to prove it he doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire; of course in the real world, things just don’t always work out the way we think they should.

Meanwhile, we learn that the White House is a hothouse of COVID-19, with Kayleigh McEnany and two of her deputies contracting the virus. I guess that means she can’t tell reporters at press conferences that it is all phoney-baloney stuff and they should just shut-up about it because she and her boss knows more about it than they do. As they say, it all starts at the top, the big kahuna is supposed to show us the way. He knows what he is talking about, because he got the virus and he knows that those 200,000+ who have died so far are just losers, because only losers die. He doesn’t need to be concerned about dead losers, because they can’t vote for him. If you are one of the next 200,000 who dies, well then just make sure the virus doesn’t “dominate” your life until then, and make sure you vote for Trump before you kick the bucket. You believed everything that he told you, and that is your “reward” for your loyalty.

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