Thursday, August 24, 2023

What goes around, comes around


As they say, what goes around comes around, and former KGB and FSB operative Vladimir Putin knows all the tricks, which is why during his regime anyone with a gripe about the way he is running things tends to fall out of windows—or in the case of Yevgeny Prigozhin, out of the sky. If in fact reports are true that Prigozhin did die, while a passenger in a model of aircraft that has a near perfect safety record, from what witnesses and U.S. intelligence say was an "unexplained" explosion—and Putin himself seems to be confirming his death—the only question is why it took so long, given Putin’s bloody proclivities.

At least one analyst believes Putin wanted to “smoke out” Prigozhin’s allies in the government before he made his move, but it also appears that he was targeting the Wagner Group as a threat to his regime, since the presumed dead also include Wagner founder Dmitry Utkin, and Wagner's logistical "mastermind," Valery Chekalov. Thus Putin literally decapitated the heads of the group, leaving it at the mercy of Putin's whims. Putin now presumably controls the resources in African countries where the Wagner group has caused mischief; Putin’s recent summits with African leaders also suggest as much.

All of this, of course, is just a fact of life in Russia, where people know if they do anything openly that isn’t approved by the regime, there is a good chance they will be arrested or killed, especially if it something captured by the media and can be disseminated publicly. When asked, "ordinary" Russians didn’t wonder why Prigozhin and his cohorts were not simply arrested and put on trial for treason; that’s just not done in Russia: if you do anything that could undermine Putin’s authority, you either fall out of windows or out of the sky. It is just a question of knowing better than to do something like that. There are those who believe, however, that it is only a matter of time when Putin's time is up as well, as Wagner fighters have taken to issuing threats against his life.

Of course in the U.S. people don’t generally fall out of windows if someone wants them to be “eliminated”—we have things like the “MeToo movement” and “cancel culture.” TUG recently revealed a story about how another accuser out of the woodwork named Sarah Brady has been hospitalized four times for mental illness attacks in which she presented a danger to both herself and others. It is easy to assume that her “victim” claims are entirely the result of her interpretations of the reaction of others to her behavior.

Naturally, these things are generally not reported by the mainstream media and certainly not by those with a political ax to grind, but at least in social media there is a bit of that “goes around, comes around” feeling. The mainstream media won’t tell you that Evan Rachel Wood suffers from some psychological defect that forced her to give-up custody of her son, because revelations that call into question her and her confederates claims of being “victimized” by Marilyn Manson would embarrass politicians who paraded her testimony to justify laws that aided false accusers like her and subverted the due process rights of the falsely accused.

But we know the truth, and unlike in Russia you won’t be arrested or killed for speaking the truth—especially when you have the facts on your side; you just have to stand your ground before the pathetic attacks of those who refuse to open their eyes for fear of being exposed themelves. 

Of course we like to assume that in this country—unless you belong to a mob family or a gang—“talking” won’t find you falling out of windows or out of the sky, but you never “know” for sure, do you? And even if people ‘know,” do they even care with all the "conspiracy theories" floating around that are mostly bullshit?

Take for example all those people who have died under “mysterious circumstances” who were allegedly related to some nefarious doings of Bill and Hillary Clinton at around the time he was governor of Arkansas. I’m not going to go through the whole list of those cases, which at worst seem merely “coincidental,” although it is “odd” that so many people—including a former governor—were convicted and jailed for fraud in Arkansas involving activities in which the Clintons at least had an “interest’ in. The fact that the Clintons were not ultimately found “guilty” of a crime in the Whitewater case likely had more to do with associates not willing to testify against a sitting president.

One case I will mention is that of Vince Foster, who allegedly committed suicide by gunshot in a Washington D.C. park.  We were told that he suffered from “depression”; he probably did, but the media doesn’t discuss what he was “depressed” about. His alleged suicide “note,” which was “discovered” torn-up in a briefcase while Clinton associates kept FBI agents at bay as they ransacked his office, was of questionable authenticity or value—except maybe to the Clintons, since its contents could be interpreted as Foster having a desire to unload his conscious rather than to kill himself.

After all, what we know is that Foster did not want to join the Clintons in the White House, but he was apparently “persuaded” under pressure to do so. No doubt they wanted to keep a close eye on him. Why? He was Hillary’s colleague at the Rose Law Firm, and their relationship was rumored to be something more than “business.” What “secrets” did he know, say, in regard to Whitewater? All we know is that we won’t know, because he died before he could “tell.” 

Another person who conveniently committed suicide (or so we are told), Jeffrey Epstein, was certainly of benefit to many people (including Bill) who preferred he take his “secrets” to the grave rather than in open court. Still, if there was any “comes around” for the Clintons, it was that few actually liked or trusted Hillary, which accounted for her “shocking” defeats in 2008 and 2016 after the mainstream media tried to gaslight voters into doing their "duty" and make "history."

In another “what comes around, goes around” story, today’s Washington Post editorial is about the Chinese government’s efforts to conceal the reality of the COVID outbreak until it was far too late to stop it, ignoring its own transmission reporting standards under threat of punishment to the point that it lost all sense to how far the virus had spread—and the government knew the claims that it made to the world were lies, but it faked the numbers as “true” based on deliberately faulty reporting that they knew put their own people--and the world--at risk:

What happened in Wuhan was not a single slip-up or misjudgment. It was a result of how the system works, demanding fealty and imposing control in all directions. It was a deliberate choice to order doctors not to wear masks that could have saved lives; to slow-walk the reporting and thus impede early warning; to shut down communications with the public; and to instruct doctors not to write anything down about the spreading danger. The consequence was death and misery for the Chinese people and the rest of the world on an unimaginable scale.

I suppose in this case what “comes around” is that no one trusts the Chinese to tell the truth about anything, that they are just a self-serving bunch for whom the rest of the world is just a cesspool to throw their toxic sewage and other garbage in. The same can be said about Donald Trump and those who joined his clown show, and are now finding out that if you shit on the world, and it will dump back on you, except even worse.

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