Monday, July 4, 2022

Amber Heard and her delusional supporters are the "gift" that keeps on "giving"--whether we like it or not


We may have enough problems in this country, like another mass shooting, more evidence of a madman ex-president and a Supreme Court under the control of what normally would be regarded as an element of the lunatic fringe of society, but thanks to that narcissist in self-denial, Amber Heard, the Johnny Depp saga continues to be the “gift” that keeps on “giving,” whether we like it or not. Now, in order to avoid putting up the money for an appeal, Heard and her lawyers are trying to have the verdict thrown out or force  a new trial; “good luck” to these losers. To be honest, most people would rather hear news that Depp’s life is getting back together with new film projects, since it is clear that his time with Heard was a very large, ugly “blip” that was at odds with what came before it, and what went wrong has only one explanation: Amber Heard. Yes, this Amber Heard:


How would you like to deal with this 24 hours a day--especially when you had no choice but to deal with it from your mother when you were a kid? As we listened to in those audio tapes, the “solution” to this that Heard thought was "reasonable" was to just sit there and listen to endless manic nonsense until she just completely exhausted herself. Recall the audio when Depp was outside his daughter’s house to pay her a visit, but he had to first spend two hours with this self-involved sociopath who thought that anything he did that didn’t involve her, or he didn’t feel like listening to at the moment, was “killing” her.

What I find interesting about the infamous “kitchen cabinet” video is that we hear Heard say she doesn’t know what Depp is mad about because they didn’t have an argument that morning—or rather, she didn’t start  the day with yet another argument to put in him in a glum mood. He tells her that nothing happened to her, so leave him alone. We get the impression that Depp is acknowledging that Heard doesn’t give a damn about his feelings, so just leave him alone.

But if there is anything just as bad as Heard in this affair, it is her social media supporters. Heard, her lawyers and the mainstream media have been busy attacking YouTubers who have been providing blow-by-blow commentary on the past trial, and if their bias is pro-Depp, Heard has only herself to blame. These commentators have sliced and diced her case and found it wanting, and that is what infuriates Heard and her supporters. All the lies, the audio evidence, those clearly doctored images, the arrogance, the fake performances, the fact that her sister was the only “non-expert” witness who bothered to come to the courtroom to testify on her behalf—all this was fair game. 

Since the trial, Team Heard has been playing in the sewer when they should be spending time in the shower to make people forget about their stench; naturally this has been subject to comment--whether Heard likes it or not, since she only has herself to blame for it.

While pathological liars like Heard who are so far gone that they can’t differentiate lies from truth, those who are so invested in female victimology that it is impossible for them to accept that even in one instance they bet on the wrong horse, are in their own way even more pathetic. Forgetting the audio recordings where Heard admits to starting physical fights, or the lie about the donations; I think the most telling indictment against Heard was the testimony of former TMZ employee Morgan Tremaine, and Heard’s incredible audacity to claim to have no knowledge of how the "kitchen cabinet" video was transferred from her personal cell phone to TMZ, when TMZ policy was that it had to obtain the copyright from the source before broadcasting it, which was obviously Heard. Did Heard commit perjury on the stand? Yes, many times, and the fact that it was obviously so only made it worse for her.

Heard's supporters are a sorry lot, like Eve Barlow who was banned from the courtroom for repeatedly violating the rule about cell phone use, and feminist Stanford law professor Michele Dauber, who made a despicable, racist personal attack on Camille Vasquez. But accepting the truth is not something we should expect from Heard's supporters, and that includes the ones on social media. Not only that, they can't stand being confronted with the facts by others. You may note that the vast majority of YouTube commentators have gravitated to Depp's corner, and even those who try hard to look at "both sides" have been forced to admit that Heard came off worse for wear. But that doesn't mean Heard supporters on YouTube don't exist; it just means like most gender fanatics, it's a one-sided discussion. Take for example this YouTuber:



You think this person is full of it and denial and twisting reality? Well, you're right, but good luck trying to have a "discussion" about the merits of the case:


Want to know if this person has any particular background that justifies a differing opinion than the vast majority of people? Here it is:



There are of course social media outlets in support of Heard that allow commentary--as long as you agree with them and don't make them mad. Question-and-answer sites like Quora apparently allow people to respond with differing opinions. Reddit also claims to allow "open" discussion, but that is not true; like Twitter it allows people to "moderate" their own discussion groups, and ban opinions they don't like. And yes, gender activists don't like to have "discussions" with anyone who disagrees with them, because anyone who disagrees with them are "misogynists."

Take for example the Reddit "discussion" page r/DeppDelusion. It describes itself as "For people who feel gaslighted by the mainstream opinion of an adjudged abuser with a history of violence." You think this is about Heard, the one who was arrested for domestic violence in 2009 before she met Depp? Of course not; by "adjudged" they are referring to the UK libel case, in which a clearly biased judge disregarded all the testimony against Heard as being "biased." 

Instead, it quickly becomes clear who is suffering "delusion" here. MSM has been solidly on the side of Amber Heard, but these people live in a different world, so completely self-absorbed in their gender victimology that they don't hear anything outside their bubble. If they did, they'd know that "mainstream" opinion has been calling the Depp verdict "misogynistic" and a "crushing blow" to victims of domestic violence, since none of them can possibly be men, like Depp. 

Yesterday was the first time I encountered r/DeppDelusion, and after reading a pile of hypocritical dung demonizing Depp and sanctifying Heard, including a May 14 discussion that "speculated" if there will be any "apologies when Amber wins," I posted a comment in regard to the "expectation" the verdict will be thrown out:


Literally a minute after I posted this I received this new message in my Gmail inbox:



I did in fact reply to this message, but naturally the "response" was that there was none because the original message was sent by a "no reply" sender. Of course that doesn't mean that delusional Heard supporters who decompose into an extreme state of agitation are completely free from the truth, and r/DeppDelusion has been noticed and commented on. Another Reddit discussion page, r/deppVheardtrial, began a discussion regarding r/DeppDelusion's "outrage" that "a majority of sexual assault and domestic violence victims side with Johnny" and that makes them "truly delusional." 

Unlike those on r/DeppDelusion, the comments on r/deppVheardtrial had an honest discussion about the facts and no one was completely "innocent," although the facts tended to support Depp--and it made perfect sense why real victims would side with Depp, since they also heard their abuser in Heard on those audio recordings. But while Heard whined about her "freedom to lie" rights, her supporters are desperate to suppress the freedom of speech rights of those who believe in the facts and the truth. What's that movie line? "You can't handle the truth."

I surely hope that all of Heard's legal maneuverings are tossed as they should be and she is forced to pay some penalty. She and her legal team don't deserve a "do-over" just because they screwed-up their case. She could have come to an agreement with Depp that would vacate the monetary penalty in exchange for an agreement for her to shut-up and not further defame him, but Heard is so completely self-obsessed and narcissistic that this was like asking for the moon. Like in all of her "arguments," this has to go and on until she "wins," and like her, her fanatical supporters--especially those who refuse to have their views contradicted by such annoyances as facts--they just can't let it go. The argument goes on, and on, and on for them, even when no one is listening anymore but themselves.


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