Tuesday, December 1, 2020

There may be a different team captain, but who gets to play is a matter of "opinion"


Joe Biden obviously likes women as much as Donald Trump does, perhaps not in as vulgar a manner. Of course the women Trump likes more than others are not particularly likable people to many of the rest of us: Maria Bartiromo, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Sarah Sanders, Kayleigh McEnany, Sidney Powell--you get the picture. They all to one degree or another are willing mouthpieces for Trump’s various lies, falsehoods, conspiracy claims and fears of a “communist” or immigrant takeover of the country. Although Ingraham has more or less “conceded” the election to Biden, the rest have not let up, including Sanders, who mocked Biden as a “stutterer,” and was another Trumpworld true believer who confidently predicted that Trump would win the election handily. You would be hard pressed find any female supporter in the media who isn’t stunned by Trump’s defeat, and continues to express the opinion that something very shady is going on. They apparently “love” this man more than themselves, or at least their own self-respect.

Now, Biden told us that he was going to select a woman as vice president, that there was a “No Men Allowed” sign on the casting door. The intent was to attract more female voters, or at least keep enough of those who voted for Hillary Clinton solely because she was woman. If that was the intent, it didn’t exactly work out that way, likely because choosing a minority was either too “radical left” for some, or “racism against white women” for others (that was something that uber-feminist Eleanor Smeal once complained about). Across the board, Biden lost votes to Trump among women voters of all races and ethnicities; although Trump only attracted 8 percent of the black female vote, that was still double what he received in 2016. Maybe a lot of female voters actually liked Trump’s “Macho Man” fakery; that certainly would have been the more appropriate Village People song for Trump’s campaign rallies than “YMCA”--and would have at least inspired more jokes about Trump’s “fitness” on late night television.

Biden actually won the election due to a huge shift in the white male vote, and because enough people despised Trump enough to bother to vote, unlike in 2016. So what is Biden doing now? He announced that all of his top White House communications positions are going to be filled by women, four supposedly by minorities. No need for those “bean counters” Bill Clinton complained about. So why did he do this? Because he learned from Trump’s women that they can be more fanatically loyal? Look at Fox News; most of those who have questioned Trump’s election conspiracy theories are men (Eric Shawn, Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto and others), while Trump’s most unquestioning supporters of his ravings are Pirro and Bartiromo, the latter who apparently has done a mind-meld with Trump and simply repeats, or treats as her own, everything that Trump says no matter how demented. At least Sean Hannity tries to keep things within the bounds of implausible "deniability," to prevent lapsing into being exposed as a complete fool--just plain fool will do.

Does Biden expect the same unquestioning loyalty, right or wrong, ethical or unethical, moral or immoral, that Trump received from these mindlessly devoted sycophants? Very likely. The caveat is that we don’t expect the Biden administration to engage in as much unethical or immoral activities or policies that needs to be “explained” with a lie or fabrication. Bringing on board women commentators from MSNBC and CNN also means that those doing the explainin’ have experience with justifying their positions through logical thought and (presumably) facts, which of course Trump’s women are a bit short on, preferring personal attacks, sarcasm and “intuition.”

I look at all of this with more than a bit of cynicism. It just seems like another example of how “sexism” is “OK” as long as women are the beneficiaries--just like affirmative action for white women via Title IX is “OK,” but affirmative action for underrepresented minorities isn’t, or a petition with 1.5 million signatures stating that Amber Heard’s domestic violence is just as bad as what she accused Johnny Depp of isn’t enough for Warner to treat Heard the same way it did Depp when it forced him to step down from his role in Fantastic Beasts, and Heard has not been removed her role in Aquaman 2.

And as I have spoken about previously, many demographics in this country, especially Hispanics (and especially males) are virtually invisible in the mainstream news media, always being talked about (usually in disparaging terms) rather than being allowed to speak for themselves or their perspective of what is happening in this country. It reminds one that it doesn’t matter who the team captain is--who gets picked to play doesn’t really change much, it is just how the team is arranged.

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