Tuesday, May 19, 2020

James Woods, like many Trump supporters, is in desperation mode to defend his crimes against this country

Actor and diehard Donald Trump supporter James Woods wrote this missive on twitter the other day:

Let’s face it. Donald Trump is a rough individual. He is vain, insensitive and raw. But he loves America more than any president in my lifetime. He is the firewall between us and this cesspool called Washington. I’ll take him any day over any of these bums.

The “logic” behind this statement is typical of what has caused frustration in people with a shred of common sense. First of all, note that Woods provides us with the very reasons why Trump is unfit for the office he holds. Only people who themselves share Trump’s “eccentricities” and don’t want to be personally shamed by association don’t see that incongruity. The character traits Woods denotes are those of a raging narcissist who doesn’t think through policy issues, but follows his personal likes and dislikes to inform his judgment, or lack thereof. When he isn’t “sure” whether he knows what he is doing or not(a relative thing), he asks the “advice” of Fox News hosts, the far-right Federalists, or his various “advisors” who are proven bigots and white nationalists whose opinions are formed more by what they hate than what they “love.” We see this most clearly in Stephen Miller, whose policy decisions are informed by a  hatred of Hispanics formed during his high school years simply he didn’t like being around them.

Does Trump “love” America? The better question is whether he “loves” what America lets him get away with. From the day he was born Trump has lived his whole life in a vacuum of wealth and privilege. Literally he has never worked an honest day in his life. He has used and abused people according to whim. He has shown he will quickly abandon and feed to the wolves underlings who don’t prove 100 percent “loyal”—meaning lie for me—unless, of course, they can still be used by William Barr for Trump’s political  benefit, as has been the case for Michael Flynn.

If it can be said that Trump “loves” anything, it is himself first and foremost, then his family, and then what the country can do for him—which includes the power of getting rid of people from “shithole” countries he disliked seeing around. Note also that two of Trump’s wives were former European fashion models, not Americans; does this suggest that Trump thinks American women make for “inferior” partners?

Trump also certainly “loves” this country because it has allowed him to escape accountability for his crimes and failures; he has certainly proven that he hates a country that does attempt to hold him accountable.  He “loves” a country that allows his companies to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy six times; he hates a country that would make him personally responsible for those failures and make him pay instead of the investors and employees who lost their jobs because they trusted his alleged business “acumen.”

Trump also “loves” this country because it allowed him to pay for a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for the death penalty for the so-called Central Park Five, who were wrongly charged, convicted and imprisoned for a crime they didn’t commit—and after they were exonerated, Trump “loved” the fact he didn’t have to apologize. Trump’s admission that he has been ingesting the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine despite medical reports showing that it is has no effect on the COVID-19—in fact may accelerate death from the virus—just demonstrates the lengths that Trump will go to “prove” either he is not wrong, or can ignore being wrong.

And Woods’ “cesspool called Washington” claim? If that is true, then Trump is by far its worst polluter since Richard Nixon. Trump has violated every moral and ethical standard one can claim to hold “dear.” He has repeatedly lied, obstructed, falsified and misled at every opportunity. He has been on a firing binge of inspector generals who have been investigating illegalities in his administration. Is that “loving” this country?  Trump suggests that people should drink poisonous chemicals to “kill” the virus, yet supporters like Woods would still play deaf, dumb and stupid. Other celebrities like Howard Stern confess that they are stupefied why anyone would still vote for such a person, yet as Stern admits he still gets callers who are purposefully blind to Trump’s follies simply because they share not his “love” but his hate.

Trump also “loves” America for the same reason that any beer-swigging white couch potato watching Fox News does: the way the world operates is a mystery to them, and they hate what they do not understand, especially if it gets in the way of their “freedom” to act in arbitrary, bullish ways that are frowned upon in civilized society. That means discriminating against anyone who is “different” than they are—and 90 percent of the time this is based on skin color—since having that power is reflective of the America that they “love,” against the America they hate, which is the one provides equality before the law. And like Trump, they hate an America that isn’t solely in their image—that is to say, the world according to white nationalism and white grievance.

Trump supporters like James Woods are especially dangerous because their attempts to “justify” support for Trump because of his “love” of this country is like saying that Hitler “loved” Germany—so much so that by the end he sought to take the country and its people into oblivion with him.

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