Friday, March 6, 2020

Don’t be a hypocrite, Warren: YOU are the one who started the “fire” by stabbing Bernie Sanders in the back

I wanted to take the weekend “off.” Unfortunately, I had to wake up Friday morning to a story about Elizabeth Warren attacking Bernie Sanders supporters, as if her own supporters are such blameless “angels.” Let’s get two things straight right up front: As documentarian Michael Moore pointed out, it was a shock to everyone in the progressive movement (except maybe the fake ones who supported her) when Warren stabbed Sanders in the back with an unsupportable and unverifiable accusation that she knew the anti-Sanders media would eat-up—the kind of accusations that this alleged “victim” of “sexism” had been making-up the entire campaign; these claims may have served to bolster her gender-victim core support, but it seems that most other voters just saw it as self-serving. While Sanders’ own criticism of Warren was largely muted, she didn’t just say that she had a “better” plan than Sanders, she claimed he had no plan at all. She did this even after her own health care “plan” went up like toast under the slightest scrutiny, and her  “plans” were less “policies” than just old talking points. Were Sanders supporters justified in being angered by Warren’s faithless “friend’ backstabbing? Who is kidding who here?

Like Hillary Clinton, Warren needed to blame someone for her defeat, and Sanders’ personal moral and ethical unassailability—which was in direct counterpoint to both Clinton and Warren’s megalomaniacal history of “alternate facts” based on self-victimization and the invention of false “histories” to justify it—was obviously frustrating for them to face. Was it the fault of Sanders’ supporters that voters saw that Warren’s “anger” was not so much directed at “bad” institutions against “the people,” but her own personal antipathy about a power structure she wanted to undo for her own personal gain? As a Washington Examiner editorial noted before Super Tuesday, Warren’s claim that she rejected “big money” donors was another one of her lies. The big money “Persist” PAC appears to have been created to support Warren almost exclusively, even though she technically was not allowed to “collude” with it as a matter of fact; despite the persistent evidence that Warren’s campaign was failing, it persisted in flooding the airwaves with many millions of dollars in ad campaigns that almost exclusively supported Warren. The Examiner noted that 

It isn’t hard to see what’s going on here. Voters have now rejected Warren in four consecutive nominating contests, and she trails Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in her own state of Massachusetts. So you could say that without this infusion of super PAC money, Warren is dead in the water.  But with this infusion of super PAC money, Warren is also dead in the water. She is about to prove once again with her own example (not that it will convince Democrats) that money can’t buy elections….Even before this, the hectoring, lecturing, self-righteous Warren was already the biggest campaign finance hypocrite of the 2020 election cycle. Her glass house was first shattered in December when she attacked South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg for holding a fundraiser in a “wine cave.” With his typical smirk, Buttigieg replied that Warren had used exactly such high-dollar fundraisers to rake in the 2018 Senate campaign money that seeded her presidential campaign. 

Warren’s self-righteous, egomaniacal hypocrisy is unbelievable in its scope, second only to that of Hillary Clinton’s. Warren didn’t “need” Sanders supporters to undo herself; she did it all by herself. Naturally, her comments attacking Sanders supporters is just a set-up for the inevitable: to prove once-and-for-all that she was and always has been an opportunistic supporter of “progressive” politics if and only if she personally benefited from it—although perhaps more for political gain than the more craven desire for wealth creation, as in the way the Clintons did in trying to promote as “progressive” the rollback of the Glass-Steagall Act, an action which ended-up being a significant factor in creating the Great Recession. 

Enough is enough. Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris at least had the personal integrity of not searching in every dark corner for scapegoats to explain the failure of their campaigns, proving that they are realists, not egomaniacs. Warren’s failure is her own, and this self-righteous hypocrite needs to own that fact. Warren was a media creation, and she fell hard when the bubble burst and the truth was revealed to be her emptiness.

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