Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hispanics need to celebrate--not hide from--their indigenous heritage in the face of Trump's racism

Well, we can see that despite what Fox News’ far-right hacks are saying, immigrant advocates received yet another setback in the new “bi-partisan” funding bill; while Democratic women (unsuccessfully) held-up the bill fighting for an “update” of the Violence Against Women Act to include more attacks on the due process rights of the accused, and of course does not address domestic violence perpetrated by women (thus perpetuating a vicious cycle in which nothing is solved), protections for DACA and TPS recipients were once again kicked into the ditch. Not only that, but Democrats caved on limiting the number of cots available for ICE Stormtroopers to conduct arbitrary roundups of people without “proper” papers, regardless if they are guilty of being nothing more than being hardworking people. Perhaps even worse, the bill doesn’t stop Trump from stealing disaster relief funds from California or Puerto Rico to use for his “wall”—now that it is becoming apparent Trump will  be the perpetrator of a humanitarian crisis by declaring his “national emergency,” which only exists in his and his racist supporters’ minds. In response, Nancy Pelosi stated only that she "may" file a legal challenge to it.

As I pointed out in my last post, the hypocrisy about cross-border migration runs deep in this country, but it is useful to point out that Hispanics haven’t done much to push back because of a false sense of “identity.” Back in 1992 there was an article in the journal Social Science Research that reported on the hypocrisy of Mexican society to properly address racism in Mexico by basically dividing the country into recognized members of indigenous tribes and “everyone else”—a construct of denial that ill-prepares immigrants for the reality of racial identity in the U.S. Not that Mexican immigrants shouldn’t be able to figure this out for themselves; you can see in Spanish language films and television programming that people clearly “Caucasian” predominate, with those more “ethnic” portrayed in the usual “ethnic” roles—this despite the fact that even in Mexico “pure-bred” whites are a tiny minority, but one that clearly has a “plantation” mentality about the way society is built. 

While most Mexicans are “trained” to view themselves simply as “mestizo” in order to avoid facing the truth of racial divisions based on the level of non-white “blood” as judged by appearance, in the U.S. they face the harsh reality of a racial “dichotomy” in Anglo-American society, in which you are either “white” or the “other.” Calls by many whites (most recently by former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw) for Hispanics to “assimilate” more is not just hypocritical on its face (the vast majority of Hispanics desire “assimilation”), but in denial of the level of racism and social exclusion that Hispanics of “non-pure” whiteness face in this country. When I was in college I recall an incident when I was listening to a cassette tape I made of some of my favorite songs of the 60s and 70s that I grew-up listening to; a white student sneered "That isn't 'your' music."

According to recent research by Biomedical Central, DNA studies of Mexicans/Mexican-Americans reveal that ”85 to 90% of mtDNA lineages are of Native American origin,” which the researchers found a “surprisingly” high and unexpected level of indigenous “blood.” Of course, this likely is partly due to the “dominance” of “dark” genes (after all, Barack Obama is considered “black” despite having a white mother), the preference of most immigrant males (whether from Spain or subsequently by their offspring) to “mate” with Native American females (quite the opposite from Anglo immigrants, who looked upon with horror “mating” with “subhuman” and “barbaric” peoples), as well as the reality that "Euro-elites" in Mexico are happy enough to stay where they control the social and economic power. But on the other hand, Hispanics in general who are judged as “non-white” because of their level of indigenous blood should actually celebrate their indigenous heritage and “weaponize” it as an educational tool for whites (and blacks) ignorant about historical truths, rather than run away from it. Their anscestors were, after all, here long before they were. Not only was nearly one-third of current U.S. territory once part of Mexico (hence conspiracy theories about a “Reconquista”), but indigenous tribes have representatives on both sides of a border that was an artificial creation by the European invaders to begin with. 

Yet many if not most U.S. residents of Mexican origin continue to believe in the myth that they are “white” and that by just saying so it makes in so in the eyes of Anglo-America. The irony is that despite the far-right hysteria that “Mexicans” are out to destroy “Anglo culture,” the great majority believe that because they see themselves as at least culturally “white,” that makes them so, and not the “threat” they are made out to be by the Buchanans and Coulters of the world. But the harsh reality is that because they are viewed through the prism of being either “white” or the “other” in this country, it just doesn’t matter what they believe they are. You either have the ill-informed commentary of “liberals” like Brokaw, or the willful, racist ignorance of people in MAGA hats following lockstep behind their Fuhrer in the White House.

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