Sunday, November 16, 2014

NFL allowing hypocritical outside agitators engage in double standards

The NFL’s continuing efforts to appease the victim advocacy crowd took a bizarre turn in the past week in the Adrian Peterson child abuse case, which he claims was just punishment gone too far. As in the Ray Rice case—where any honest examination of the whole video shows that Rice’s action was a response to his fiancé’s own violent aggression—“due process” simply doesn’t have a place when the wolves are baying at the doors of the bastion of male testosterone. After all, wimpy baseball has too many players to keep track of, and the NBA doesn’t tolerate interference from outside agitators.

In the Peterson case, it appears that on the advice of the players’ union, the Minnesota Vikings star running back refused to attend yet another penalty “hearing”—after he had already been under indefinite suspension pending the outcome of his court case. This “hearing” was apparently to include those “outside agitators” who want to hang every NFL player they can to make their political points, regardless of the fact that due process by the civilian process had already been meted. 

A clearly frustrated Peterson said that "At this point, I've resolved my matter in the criminal court; I've worked to make amends for what I've done; I've missed most of the season, and I stand ready to be candid and forthcoming with Mr. Goodell about what happened. However, I will not allow the NFL to impose a new process of discipline on me, ignore the CBA, ignore the deal they agreed to with me, and behave without fairness or accountability.”

A representative of the players’ union, the NFLPA, also released a statement: 

"The league office seems more focused on creating an arbitrary disciplinary process for Adrian instead of honoring a signed agreement to remove him from the commissioner's list. They are simply making stuff up as they go along. They should commit their efforts to meeting us at the table to collectively bargain a new personal conduct policy."

The league office also released a statement in which it revealed that the “hearing” was held anyways without Peterson’s or the union’s participation; if one’s suspicions are correct, the “interested parties”—likely gender advocates—gave the commissioner a self-righteous earful. The hypocrisy about all of this, of course, is that NFL players are being held to a different standard than everyone else, largely for political and propaganda reasons. Of course violence cannot be condoned, but neither can double jeopardy—or double standards, for that matter; football isn’t a public office where the officeholder is answerable to the voters—it is just a “job” like other people have, and more brutal one on the body for the “entertainment” of many millions. 

And like domestic violence, in child abuse—whether out of “punishment” or not—there always seems to be one side that always escapes its proper notice; statistics reveal something we should have already have known: That women are much more likely than men to commit child abuse. I once knew a kid in school who showed up with welts circling his neck. A concerned teacher asked him where he got them from; the boy said that they came from a “whiplash” when riding the school bus that morning. He was sent to the nurse, and then to a hospital with his mother for a doctor to look at. He was provided with a neck brace, although he actually didn’t need it. The truth of the matter was that before he arrived to school, his mother tried to choke him for some infraction the substance of which was mostly in her mind. 

Why didn’t the boy tell the truth? Was his mother “relieved” that there was another way to “rationalize” the bruises on his neck? Whatever the reasons, we should dispense with hypocrisy and admit that this kind of thing happens more frequently than is “politically correct” to believe. The state of Texas is infamous for cases of “mothers” drowning, stabbing, hanging and stoning to death their children—and getting away with it, mostly through “reasons of insanity,” and usually the “temporary” variety. There are a myriad of “excuses” and “syndromes” for women who commit acts of violence, even against the most vulnerable. Just pick one, and someone will believe it—just see what all the defenders of Jodi Arias have to say. 

As for men—they just do what comes “natural” to them.

Yet despite all of this, women are the “face” of child abuse victim advocacy, and they never see the abuser when they look in the mirror. This is all just part of political strategy of gender advocates to make themselves’ “relevant”—especially in that bastion of male dominance, the NFL.

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