Wednesday, January 15, 2025

No use looking for the "door of perception", it either doesn't exist or defenseless in keeping the narcissistic and nihilistic rule-breakers out


I was on the bus sitting across from an older (than me) black male wearing a cap that indicated that he was a Vietnam veteran. We noted how someone a few rows back had her phone cranked up loud and was shouting into it. We chatted a bit about the “old days” when people obeyed the rules, not just the posted rules about using headphones and being mindful of other passengers on the bus, but that of the common rules of civilized behavior, in which people were self-aware of how their actions affect others, and act in accordance as they would expect others to. He observed that younger people didn’t “respect” anything anymore, which was interesting in the fact that people often demand “respect” even when they are acting disrespectfully.

The veteran was a bit on the conservative side, which I could sense when he dismissed climate change as not “real”; In order to stay neutral I observed that it was hard to see changes in the climate from one day to the next. But I also had to agree that if the world did need “fixing,” I had no confidence in the current generations to do the “fixing.” Noting my own age, I recalled in the Sixties and Seventies it was about “love.” “peace” and just trying to get along. With that generation came many so-called “liberal” beliefs and such beliefs remain held by people of that generation.

But today, the younger generations seem more infused with narcissism and nihilism. Even so-called “progressive” beliefs are nothing more than their self-victimizing obsessions, the MeToo “movement” being an example. There in the office building I work in there is a tenant which I will just say is on the extremes of gender victim politics, and every time I am forced to go in there it I feel as I am the one who is the victim of abuse. All those posters and placards with accusations and broad assumptions about so-called male culture—not a society that I recognize as the one I live in.

And now we see as for Amber Heard, who was found guilty of defaming Johnny Depp in the U.S. trial, the UK has to supply its own “documentary” in support of the claims by the now openly “bi-sexual” Evan Rachel Wood and others seeking to shift blame for their past behaviors and failures to achieve the fame and fortune they sought when they collaborated with Marilyn Manson, who qualifies as “low-hanging” pickings for those who need scapegoats.

Wood, whose film career is on the skids because people are now skittish about working with her, instead of being honest about herself insists on proclaiming herself a “victim” of Manson’s alleged predations. I mentioned a story that appeared in Jezebel over a decade ago in which Wood—who falsely claimed she moved from California to Tennessee with the son she had with Jamie Bell before ditching him, because Manson was “threatening” her—had claimed she was into “very edgy” activities, much as Manson was well-known for.

Manson dropped his own defamation case against Wood because it was a waste of money with a California version of Aileen Cannon who favored Wood who was overseeing the case, but Bell proved to another judge that Wood had at least in his case did make false claims against Manson—including a fake FBI letter—and received custody of his son, which Wood has since tried to portray as being something she “gifted” to Bell.

It is all so surreal. The UK documentary is called “Marilyn Manson Unmasked,” but one might rightly ask why no one is interested in the true motivations of Wood and co-conspirator Ilma Gore who sold pieces of her skin to buyers who bought the space on Gore to place a tattoo over (yeah, I know, stupid)…



…who is obviously into those “very edgy” and “adventurous” activities like Wood is, and that Bell was ditched because he was not into—or more likely, he was used by the bi-sexual Wood (just as the bi-sexual Heard used Elon Musk for his sperm “donations” and eventual millions in child support, conveniently ignored by the media) until she didn’t need him anymore. This was discussed in that story from a decade ago about her “break-up” with Bell 1 , which I originally encountered in the gender news website Jezebel, and it also appeared in People.

Interestingly, it appears that Wood and her representatives went on an Internet sweep to have the story removed, and the only one I found with the direct original quotes was in the above link to the website Celebitchy, which Wood and her representatives apparently hadn’t yet found to demand removal of this evidence that this narcissistic, self-serving character without an once of personal responsibility was making accusations that were not to be trusted.

But that is the world we live in now. Self-involvement and narcissism were inevitable bi-products of the social “experimentation” of the Sixties. What Aldous Huxley called the “doors of perception” in a book of the same name, meaning creating a world cleansed of evil thought and action, to “abolish our solitude as individuals”—meaning narcissistic behaviors—to  “atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant.” 

With minds thus cleansed, a “heavenly world” would be created “of such a kind that we could wake up the next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution—then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise.”

Of course, Huxley’s book suggests that first you have to “see the light” by first taking hallucinogenic drugs, then having thus “seen the light,” you can perceive the world in a “new light” and act accordingly. This was all hogwash, and as critics of the book have pointed out, such thinking that inspired the “counter-culture” of the Sixties was naïve enough to allow by the Eighties a “counter-movement” of far-right conservatism with little strength to push back against it. It was like a federal forest land that could not protect itself when it was there for the taking by Trump’s “drill baby drill” friends.  

The “reality” is that human beings share more in common with wild beasts with their quest to establish their own “territory” and to fulfill their own immediate needs with no thought to how their actions effect the future, just moving on into the territory of another, until nothing is left.

What is happening in the world at large has no meaning for today’s generation, because it is outside their sphere of interest, and they must invent their own “reality.” As we have seen in the past election, morality, ethical, truth, knowledge and “human values” are totally meaningless (in other words, nihilism) to many if not most people in this country, and there is no evidence of a younger generation rising up to the challenge to a country gone wrong. 

In fact, the anti-DEI is not only a movement whose biggest proponents are those who have negative racial attitudes as discussed here 2 it is itself a reflection of how self-involved narcissism of the truly privileged has been in a process since the 1980s and its own “selfish” generation, begetting more of the same until it has become the dominant political force today.

The generations since then only needed only a “leader” who, abandoning any semblance of civil behavior, who “spoke” their “language,” someone they could viscerally connect who turned their selfish desires into reality. All that was required were the creation of scapegoats (hence anti-DEI and anti-Hispanic immigrants) as covers—not necessarily justifications—for selfish and self-deceiving ends. Such people have stereotypical thoughts that would be described as demeaning or dehumanizing, but it is the “others” who have do the “changing,” not themselves.

For example, McDonald’s is being sued by a far-right group for its Latino and Hispanic college scholarship program, yet nothing is said about the mainly white legacy and donor near-automatic admissions policies of universities, where applicants are six to seven times more likely to be admitted than other applicants.

This country has changed, not just in the fact that we live in a world where most cannot look beyond their own personal universe surrounded by a poisonous atmosphere at the exclusion of others, sharing only the “safety” of their common views, whether fact-based or not (mostly not). But it goes beyond even that: what was once consider “civil” behavior is regarded as a “privilege” and not a “right.” Nothing can be taken for granted, save uncertainty.

Take for example the Seattle Central Public library, which is little more than a “tourist attraction” and a daytime homeless shelter, where some people conduct their “business” as if the library is their “home.” Old rules are meant to be broken once there is no threat of enforcement.

I’m sure many of us older people remember a time when the librarians enforced “quiet” or you were asked to leave if you had insufficient self-control in doing that. Today, being “quiet” puts you in harm’s way; you simply open yourself to abuse. Ever notice how if you are in a wide-open space like this…


…people talking is less bothersome than people talking in more enclosed areas, like a bus or library? I was on the 9th floor of the library trying to write when another individual arrived to sit around the corner nearby. He immediately began making loud grunting noises, completely mindless that he could be heard on the other side of the floor. I asked him to keep it down and he made some threatening suggestions if I “bothered” him again. Now, you would think that “normal” people would think to themselves, “I have been told I am too loud, and being a civilized human being, I will try to be quiet, since this supposed to be a library where people expect to have a quiet reading and work experience.”

But no, because people who don’t go to the library for those reasons—rather, say, because security guards chased them from corners or entrances because they were “disturbing” office workers—they need a “safe place” to conduct their activities. And yes, the Seattle Central Library is such a place, where any activity is allowable if the cop-wannabes who work inside  deem it “politically-correct” to do so.

So this person continued to make a racket moving and banging things around. I hoped he would stop, but it appeared that he had other motivations. This was confirmed when I got up and looked through the book shelf and observed that this was all deliberate because all the while he was doing so he was looking to see if I would appear around the corner with a smirk on his face.  When he saw me peaking at him through the bookshelf, he immediately got up and started with the loud tough-guy threats; it is so easy for people to play bully when they are big and young and target someone who is short and old. I simply returned to my seat as he approached close to me, faux tensing-up and balling his fists in a pose meant to imply physical threat.

Someone contacted the cop-wannabes and two officers came running, which I personally found ridiculous, because I knew what was going to happen. No, they didn’t come to “protect” me from him, but him from me. The guy returned to his table when he saw them, and the officers talked to him first and apparently chose to believe his story that he was the one being “bothered.” The officers approached me and accused me of course of being the source of "problem" in its entirety; perhaps it was because I just “looked” like a “troublemaker.”  

I was told to leave this guy alone and if I didn’t like the noise he was making that I could either move or leave the building—the latter which they were going to make me do if I didn’t do the former in two minutes.  If this guy felt compelled to employ physical force like he was some “gangsta,” then it was my “fault” for “provoking” this behavior. It's always the same at the library now: what people my age remembered as the “rule” are now creating “problems” in a space where such rules no longer exist.

When people are punished for insisting on common law rules where they were once enforced diligently, it signals to rule-breakers that their behavior is legitimized and they can do what they want. It’s like after the pandemic during which paying bus fare was suspended for six months, now years later Metro still has a problem with forcing free-loaders to pay fare, yet people who simply do the “right thing” must sit there and be quiet and wonder why they have to pay while these other people are allowed to ride free. I emailed Metro about this and was told that drivers were told not to insist on fare payment to avoid physical confrontations with the non-payer. The scourge of non-payment has forced Metro to introduce fare payment inspectors at the end of March. We’ll see how that “works.”

This is where we are at now in this society. I was basically told that if I continued to insist on rules being enforced, then I should look elsewhere. Of course the question then is where, exactly? Whose is the greater threat to society—the guy who can’t control his inner demons, or the guy who is napping? In the library or city streets, it the guy napping, of course.  Frankly, I wish half the people in this country would silence their various hypocrisies and just take one long “nap” so they would stop bothering people who wish to enter the “door of perception” to reflect on the world as it was “meant” to be. But what good would that do? People would have to be awake to realize the evil they have allowed to happen.

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