Monday, October 3, 2022

While life is back to "normal" for Depp, for Heard and those tangled-up in her web, "life" is just one bizarre turn after another


For  the weekly Depp/Heard update, we saw a brief Dior commercial featuring Johnny Depp on the NFL pre-game show on the local Fox affiliate. Even a few seconds of Depp’s face on national television in a money-making role must really be burning up Heard and her die-hards. 

Although there are content-providers who seem to post videos on the Depp/Heard saga on a daily basis, the reason seems to be a “need” for it because of a constant influx of mainstream media misinformation, and attempts to silence or injure Depp’s supporters with various avenues of threat, such as by Heard stans Christopher Bouzy, whose Bot Sentinel is using cherry-picked statements for his “reports” about alleged violations of YouTube policies. He is currently being sued by one content-providers named Nate, who happens to be a lawyer.

Other Heard supporters are constantly making defamatory and false claims against Depp supporters, such as Michele Dauber again proving that being a university professor doesn’t mean immunity from mental health issues. Here she suggests to people in Tennessee that their state is the sexual assault capitol of the world…


…because another Depp supporter under attack, TheUmbrellaGuy, lives in Tennessee; it must be his sarcastic tone about Heard and her supporters' lies and behavior that really upsets them. Apparently one Heard supporter contacted child protective services with a false claim against "TUG," who informed us that CPS workers handled the case in a "professional" manner in accordance with the nature of the accusation.

Meanwhile, TheRealLauraB is continuing her “deep dive” into the unsealed documents, this time about the difficulty in getting a Warner Brothers representative to agree to submit to a deposition in regard to Heard’s claims that the Adam Waldman statements harmed her career; Walter Hamada would eventually be deposed to deny that the statements had any effect on Heard's Aquaman role. LauraB had previously told us how buried in the documents was the testimony of Dr. Kimberly Collins, who was to testify during the last week of the trial that the “evidence” provided by Heard didn’t support her abuse claims. She wasn't called to testify, probably because she was kept in reserve if needed if Heard’s team had actually produced their own “expert” witness to “validate” her abuse claims, which of course was impossible.

And then there are the stories that don’t make it into the mainstream media consciousness about Heard’s continuing legal and financial problems, questions about her current relationships with those who she was using (or were using her) to prop-up her precarious public persona, and what exactly she is doing now that seems “suspicious.” If Travelers and New York Marine win their cases against her, Heard could be on the hook for as much as $25 million in legal fees and the judgment she owes Depp if she loses her appeal, which seems probable. It has been observed that Heard is so blindly intent on “winning”—even though in the court of public opinion this is pissing in the wind—that she continues to act as if it is all “free” money she is spending that she’ll just file for bankruptcy to avoid paying.

Isn't it interesting to note that Heard doesn't seem to be worried about money, or where the next meal for her child is coming from, given that she doesn't have work and the insurance companies are battling about who or it they are obligated to pay Heard's growing legal bills? Is Elon paying her bills, if Heard employed a surrogate mother to carry an embryo they created together, which makes him responsible and she expects him to pay child support from some secret agreement? One thing that is curious to me is why Elon would even agree to “volunteer” his sperm to someone like Heard when he already has children, unless he was either blackmailed or he signed a “pre-nup” agreement stating the limits to his “liability” for Heard’s actions. Perhaps he didn’t know that Heard—too vain and cowardly to birth her own child—had intended on a surrogate to do the work for her without informing him of her intentions.

That of course is assuming that the child is not a “rental baby.” If there is a reason why this child probably isn’t a “rental” baby as many have suspected, it is because if you were the real mother of this child and you saw Heard “handling” it like this…


……you probably would be terrified that this nut-job is possibly putting your child’s life in danger. You have to feel sorry for that kid. How would you like going about your whole life with a name like Oonagh? It looks and sounds like something you would hear a caveman or woman speaking in an old B-movie. You might think your “mother” has mental health issues just for that reason. Some people have wondered if given the Heard revealed in those audios, what kind of mother she would be—like, say the mother in Mommie Dearest? Although Joan Crawford had never actually been to a therapist who could offer a diagnosis, psychologists who have read Christina Crawford’s book have suggested disorders such as bipolar, borderline, obsessive compulsive disorder, and narcissism.

In the meantime, it appears that Heard stopped wearing her Star of David medallion, gave-up on her Israel project since Eve Barlow left her, and somehow TMZ got a hold of pics of Heard with the baby we never saw in any of the pics taken in Israel (save for the empty baby carriage), but now appearing in Spain. Funny how during the trial Heard claimed to know nothing of how TMZ got the video that she took on her own phone, but TMZ always seems to get an “exclusive” from this “B-list celebrity”—as  Morgan Tremaine called her, for cheap “publicity.” 

Barlow probably doesn’t want to admit that she was made a fool of by Heard, which may explain why she is still trying to justify in her mind why she ever got involved with her in the first place, even if she fails to convince anyone else. It is one thing to side with Heard for political reasons or think she’s “fun” to hang out with at parties, but actually living with someone like the one we heard in those audios?

Look what happened to UK model Cara Delevigne, who is worrying friends and observers about her bizarre behavior, here seen from a video courtesy the Daily Mail acting in said manner suggesting she is either substance abusing or completely out of her mind:


We are told that she was naïve about the ways of “underground” Los Angeles, and being gay she found herself in the company of the Hollywood lesbian “elite,” of whom Heard was a popular figure, at least on the party scene. Heard apparently got her hooked on illegal substances, including cocaine, as well as introducing her to the sex party scene; she was also alleged have been coerced against her will into a three-way with Elon and Heard. 

Of course Delevigne isn’t the only person whose life has gone awry after becoming involved with Heard; recall that Depp had for the sake of his relationship attempted to go “straight” for a year, but it was impossible to live with Heard’s constant abuse, and as Depp testified, he again turned to substances to put his mind in another world other than the one Heard occupied.

It just doesn’t end. People are supposed to believe a sociopath like Dauber over a jury that sat through six weeks of testimony and evidence and found from a preponderance of that evidence that Heard not only lied and was the main abuser in the relationship, but had lied with actual malice? I don’t think so. None of this ever had to happen, save for the fact that for Heard being a "winner" means inflicting pain and suffering on those she allegedly "loves" because she doesn't want them to feel they "won" when they escaped from her grasp.


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