Monday, September 26, 2022

Depp/Heard documentary inadvertantly lays an egg, and out pops more proof that Amber Heard can't help but tell lies


Sometimes even in their most rabid attempts to corner the narrative, the mainstream media effs up big time. But then again you’d have to actually have followed the Depp/Heard trial to realize that—unlike, say, the mainstream media and Amber Heard’s willfully blind supporters. One of the hosts at Heir of Justice—who otherwise found the Discovery+ Johnny vs Amber: The U.S. Trial documentary as faulty as expected—pointed out that a huge “Easter Egg” was laid that the filmmakers apparently thought was "damning" new evidence against Depp, and in fact were too unmindful to realize that they had done the opposite:

Heard testified that she had no idea who made the 911 call responded to by two Los Angeles police officers, who subsequently testified that they saw no sign of domestic violence or disorder. Both Heard and her friend Raquel Pennington (who was there with her at the Eastern Columbia Building) insisted they did not know why the bewildered police would be there. But in the documentary, a video was aired of the original 911 call in which the filmmakers tried to obscure who was speaking; but the transcript provided by police appeared when the subtitles were turned on, and these in fact identified the caller:


Again, this is more evidence that Heard, Pennington and iO Tillet Wright all repeatedly perjured themselves in court, as did most of Heard’s witnesses including her sister. Pennington, no doubt at the instruction of Heard, called the police not because any physical abuse by Depp occurred (who was not there, since as he usually did had left for another residence to escape another of Heard’s frustrating tantrums), but simply because they needed something “on the record” for their next move in Heard's plotting against Depp, who she feared was intending to give up on their marriage.

Again and again. even about things you would think would help her credibility or when the truth was easily verifiable, Heard could not help herself but lie over and over again, either as a pathological liar or narcissist, and likely both.

Heir of Justice also noted that as promised, pro-Depp YouTubers who did their own research and analyzed the evidence had comments cherry-picked out of context to make them look like “misogynists,” while ignoring sick people like radical feminist law professor Michele Dauber who hoped that NASA would send Depp on a “Mars Walk” in his “little space suit” so he would “die” in the “interest of science.” If anyone is causing damage to real female victims, it is abusers like Heard and supporters such as this who are "fine" with faked "evidence" and false claims as long as it furthers their political agenda.


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