Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Adherents of the "earth is round" theory of the world are under siege all over

Can it possibly be true that U.S. intelligence was telling the truth all the time and Vladimir Putin was the one who has been lying right up to the last moment—even to the Chinese—about not intending to invade Ukrainian’s sovereign territory? Putin made French President Emmanuel Macron look like a fool to believe those lies, and he didn't even break a sweat doing it. He believes that since he got away with the Crimea, he can probably get away with this and a lot more through energy blackmail.  Putin’s most recent claim is that the Ukraine is a “fake” country that shouldn’t even be allowed to exist, and yet you still have some of Ukraine’s supposed allies in the EU for a few hours tiptoeing through the tulips trying to decide if this invasion was “real” or not. 

China, which continues to make the absurd claim that "dialogue" is the way to go despite the fact that Putin was never serious about "dialogue" and was going to do whatever he was going to do anyways, has had its claim of "respect" for Ukraine's sovereignty exposed as empty rhetoric as it apparently  has no influence on Putin's actions--and who knows, probably like Stalin who made a deal with the devil behind the scenes, China is looking the other way in exchange for Russian support of China getting a piece of the pie at some future date.

Meanwhile the likes of Fox News' Sean Hannity and Sen. Ted Cruz just won’t shut their stupid mouths, claiming that this is all Joe Biden’s “fault,” even though we all know that this is really Donald Trump’s doings for failing to take a hard line on Putin’s various nefarious activities; if he was still president, Trump would be rolling out the red carpet to grease Russian tanks' path all the way to Kyiv. You think this is a hyperbole? Trump is already praising Putin's move as "genius"--and there are people who still don't believe Trump and his "movement" is dangerous. 

At least in Germany, former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's continued bromance with Putin is seen as a national disgrace, and the current government is becoming "impatient" with his pro-Russia rhetoric and unhinged accusations about Ukrainian "aggression." Putin, of course, has paid off his "close friend" handsomely, with many lucrative posts on Russian energy boards; Schroeder was also the one who initiated the original Nord Stream pipeline project as a parting "gift" to Putin after his election loss.

Naturally, Fox News talks out of its ass-end when it first blames the Obama/Biden administrations for Putin's antics, but then turns around to become a Kremlin propaganda organ by telling us it isn’t any of our business what Putin does anyways, even if it means the U.S. would lose what shred of moral credibility it has left on the world stage, thanks to Trump’s “America First” policies which merely alienated allies and did not provide any evidence whatever of benefit—economic or politically—to this country. 

Word is that the Kremlin's top propagandist in the U.S. media, Fox News' Tucker Carlson, is being used by Russian media to confirm its anti-American propaganda. In fact, Fox News in general is on a mission to undermine the U.S. position against Russian aggression. The earth, you see, is round, but Fox News insists that we live on a "flat" earth.

And while we are on the subject of “credibility,” we have been informed recently that the “number one” cable news host for self-proclaimed “Democrats” of the “prime” viewing age—at least for advertisers—in the 25-34 demographic range is Carlson. Can this possibly be true? We have been told by some on the media right-wing that this is due not to “hate watching,” but that this audience doesn’t believe everything they hear from “liberal” media, and just want to get the “straight facts.”

Oh really? While the so-called “liberal” media insists on calling the earth round, alleged young Democrats—those who want to get the “white” version of the news?—are rushing to hear the “news” channel that tells them that the earth is “flat,” and want to believe that merely because it is contrary and makes them feel “good” and not feel “guilty”? Why not? Just a week ago Carlson was regurgitating the debunked Seth Rich assassination conspiracy theory that Fox News was forced to pay a seven-figure settlement to the Rich family for defamation. And Carlson still has a job?

Apparently those young “Democrats” want to hear Carlson rave on about his favorite targets, the “border crisis” and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, because Hispanics are the go-to group when someone needs one to beat on. Carlson now claims that his constant attacks on AOC are not racially-motivated because she is a “white” woman. AOC’s indigenous genes would like to differ about that; caller her “white” is like calling Barack Obama “white” because he has a white mother, when we know that the racist-right only thinks of him as black, as, frankly, so does the rest of America. The number one hypocrisy in this country is regarding Hispanics solely as an “ethnicity,” which permits people (regardless of color) to be racist against them and deny that they are.

Do these Democrats who watch Fox News for the “news” think that sarcasm is “funny,” because it certainly doesn’t qualify as an “argument”; it is just a juvenile reaction when liars are confronted with the reality that the earth really is round. It is Laura Ingraham’s stock-in-trade, and young Democratic viewers can’t see through that? When confronted with his flat-earth "truths," Carlson devolves into insults and expletives; this is not the behavioral pattern of a mature, mentally-balanced person. Even when Carlson fakes his “reasonable” tone, you get the impression that he is on medication. His long-distance bromance with Putin demonstrates that he has no moral values whatever; he is not a true American if he cares not for democratic values, and those who think he has a “point”—speaking to so-called “Democratic” viewers—then we can surmise that some people have their own moral compasses pointing “south” when they should be pointing “north.”

I can say for myself that I never watch Fox News because I want to; if someone had Fox News on the video screen in a break room at work, I could never get around the feeling that the only people who watch this willingly are those who don’t want their own ignorance, hate and utter lack of self-awareness questioned by reality.

Why do we need to belabor the point that Fox News just twists the “news” merely to be contrary, and disregard what thinking people can see plainly in front of them? Because of the suspicion that people who claim to be Democrats are easy pickings to be sucked into the Fox News rabbit hole? So that they can hear about how the “authoritarian” Canadian government’s “abuses” against truckers who are protesting COVID-19 restrictions by continuing to behave like children by blocking cross border traffic, frustrating residents and disrupting the economy of both Canada and the U.S.?

I mean, just how much hypocrisy is too much to stomach? Fox News has been attacking social justice protesters blocking traffic, and it has no problems with Florida and its Trumpist governor, Ron DeSantis, signing a law whose most nefarious tidbit is making it a felony if a protester has the “intent” to impede traffic, and allows law enforcement to interpret what a “riot” or a “rioter” is, and after an arrest would prevent someone from posting bail 24-48 hours. Interestingly, the restriction against carrying weapons would seem to be something that would target right-wing “protesters” more, but one suspects that they would be given a “pass” if they just happened to “be there,” like Kyle Rittenhouse. Of course the intent of the law is a deliberate effort to impede freedom of speech and assembly by left-wing protesters—which Fox News supports here, but not against right-wing truckers in Canada, some of whom were displaying pro-Trump banners.

Yes, the earth is round. It is a fact, and at least some young “Democrats” need to accept that fact instead getting their daily dose of misinformation and lies from Fox News just for something “different” that might be just deranged enough for them to be sucked into in time.


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