Monday, October 4, 2021

The future well-being of this country is apparently a "joke" to Kyrsten Simena, who seems to be more enamored with her polling numbers among Arizona Republicans


Joe Biden is claiming that “progressives” have gone too far confronting Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema concerning their opposition to his $3.5 trillion spending bill that will “remake” America. But even the Arizona Republic is calling “bullshit” on Simema’s non-responsiveness to what she wants changed—in fact her behavior suggests she wants to kill all of it. Her attitude even borders on the juvenile; when asked by reporters last week about the frustration by Democrats that they “don’t know where she’s at,” she smugly retorted “I’m clearly right in front of the elevator.” And anyone has the gall to criticize those who have actually gone out to “find” her?

Responses by Biden and those in the right-wing media that it is the “progressives” who are behaving “inappropriately” seem to be unmindful of the fact that it is Sinema and other “moderates” who in instances like that are clearly acting inappropriately. Sinema is acting as if what to most Democrats is the most vital piece of legislation in generations for generations to come is all some kind of fucking joke. Yet we are supposed to feel more "sympathy" for the so-called moderates' "hurt" feelings now than the hurt their political conceits promise for 300+ million people in the future.

At a time when Republicans pass laws that endanger democracy, healthcare and social safety net programs while the rich get richer, it is time for Democrats to get in lockstep and do what they need to do for the American people (even for those idiots at sporting events chanting “Fuck Biden”) while they still can. It is outrageous that two senators simply feel they cannot do the right thing for this country. We are supposed to feel they are being personally “wronged” for the way people are reacting to their behavior, when they only have themselves to blame.

It is certainly a fair question to ask whose agenda Sinema thinks she represents in her state given the polarization evident in pushing that fraudulent audit. Last week a Phoenix news station put up this graphic displaying the interesting—and disturbing—results of a state poll:


Now, you would think that the numbers of such a poll would be flipped on the Republican and Democratic side, since Sinema claims to be a Democrat. If the numbers were, then they would show Sinema with at least a higher approval rating than disapproval; what they do show in fact is that she has a higher disapproval rating overall. Although the poll shows that while Republicans “approve” of Sinema’s tactics stonewalling Democratic priorities, that doesn’t mean they actually approve of her personally. You have the solid core of Trumpist Republicans who wouldn’t approve of her no matter what, and the other 50 percent who still wouldn’t vote for her because she isn’t far-right enough (at least not yet) to get through a Republican primary, if she does decide to switch parties out of pique.

What the poll actually shows is that as a Democrat, Sinema is in trouble in 2024. One would think that someone who claims to be bisexual would have more “progressive” beliefs, but that is clearly not the case with Sinema. You never know what is inside the head of some people; they may actually prefer a same-sex relationship, but are irritated that they are being “forced” by “liberals” to just come out with it; like some Republican minorities who have to “prove” their conservative “cred” by being more racist than racist whites, Sinema perhaps needs to “prove” she is not a “flaming liberal” just because of her sexual preferences. Maybe in her own way, Sinema is a “hater”; the question is what she hates. Maybe she really does hate those "diabolical" things that Mark Levin on Fox News hates:


Fair or unfair, Sinema is deliberately making it difficult for people to understand where she is at; she even seems to enjoy seeing people wallowing in confusion and frustration over what is going on in her mind. To me, this suggests someone who themselves is sick in the head. With Manchin we see someone in “survival” mode, desperate to prove to his constituency that he isn’t a “liberal” when Biden’s spending bill has nothing to do with whether one is “liberal” or not; it something that must be done to stop the widening gap between the haves and have-nots in this country, and to give everyone hope for the future in a country that doesn’t self-destruct because people just refuse to plan ahead. But as a man corrupted by the near-term desires of his polluting business benefactors, what else can we expect from Manchin?

But with Sinema, we see something else altogether; this isn’t about “survival,” when she lives in a state that is clearly changing faster than she is; this is about arrogance and pettiness. She may think she is “winning” this game, but it isn’t just the country that is losing, but herself. If she is one those who blocks the Democratic agenda out of pure spite rather the “principle” no one can ascertain, people will remember this in 2024. And Sinema shouldn’t expect the support of Republicans who currently approve of her actions—they would prefer to vote for a Republican of their own choice, not someone who is merely a fake Democrat. If she thinks otherwise, the “joke” is on her.

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