Monday, March 1, 2021

Three weeks into his administration and Biden is already a "loser" to this Fox News addict


I received a letter from my Fox News addict family member, and he was raring to go with Fox News’ latest post-inauguration propaganda. Nothing particularly new, but just more “confident” in his “facts.” Of course those of us outside the Fox News bubble know that the likes of Carlson, Ingraham, Hannity, Bartiromo, Pirro and the numnuts on Fox & Friends pass on their own personal “opinions” as “facts” to the gullible, only occasionally referencing a number out of context or some conspiracy theory from a “reliable” outside source. I mean, goddamn, everything he wrote was so easily debunked that I felt it was my duty to at least try to get his “facts” straight, even if I knew it was a lost cause anyways. Here goes:

Joe Biden: If you look at Joe you can’t possibly think he won the presidency legitimately. Stayed holed up in his basement bunker during almost the entire run for the White House. When he did leave his bunker it was to an empty gym in his home town with not enough people to fill the half dozen chairs, only Fake News Media and he did not answer any questions.

Aside from the fact that Trump has trouble answering troubling questions, on his Fox News appearances his “questioners” just let him ramble on endlessly, never once interrupting to ask him to “explain” a particularly egregious assertion. I pointed out that Joe Biden was trying to set the example for being safe during the pandemic that Trump refused to do to the detriment of over one-half million people in this country. Trump’s mostly maskless rallies were merely an example of the stupidity of the majority of his supporters. South Dakota’s fool governor is responsible for that state having the highest, or near highest, positivity and death rate per 100,000 people in the country—and she expresses absolutely zero contrition about all the people who have died in her state because of her failure to mandate any restrictions. Oh yeah, over 12,000 people have died of the virus in Tennessee, and I suppose that is just their dumb luck.

When he went to Georgia to support his two candidates running for the Senate, less than 200 people showed up at his rallies.

And your point is? As far as the relative effect of either Biden or Trump on the Georgia runoffs, it is clear that Trump’s psychotic behavior after the election was the deciding factor for on-the-fence Georgia voters. He more than anyone is responsible for what happened there.

How do you think he received 80 million votes in the presidential election? You know it was bought and paid for by Big Tech the Left Wing Liberal News Media (Fake News) and his Mega Donors.

He seems to be unmindful of the fact that Fox News viewers are not representative of the country as a whole. Believe it or not there are a lot of people who either despise Trump, or believe he proved himself beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is unfit to be president. Trump’s votes were also way inflated for the same reason the Biden vote count was, and there is reason to believe that absent of increased mail-in ballots, many older Trump voters would have stayed home while younger Biden voters would have been agreeable to stand in line and have their voices heard. It is also frankly amusing to be “schooled” about all those alleged Biden “mega” donors, since it is common knowledge think that the Republican Party has been in the pocket of “big business” for at least 150 years. This “big tech” accusation is just right-wing anger about Facebook and Twitter “flagging” false far-right conspiracies that endanger the public wellbeing.

His first day in office, shut down the Keystone Pipeline 11,000 jobs lost and many more affected, those who support the pipe line everything from materials, fuel, lodging, food and everything that requires assistance.

In regard to the Keystone XL Pipeline, Biden is merely abiding by rules and court orders ignored by Trump in regard to environmental regulations and Native American treaty rights. Let’s be clear about the facts, since facts do matter to those outside the Fox News bubble.  TransCanada, which owns and operates the pipeline, has been equivocal about how many jobs will actually be created in the U.S. Before the shutdown, there were only 1,000 workers on the project, and the company made plain that the jobs created would be temporary, with one crew working for a few months on one section of pipeline and replaced by another crew, which would also only work for a few months on another section of the pipeline, and so forth. When completed, there would be only 50 permanent employees working the pipeline.

After Biden shut down construction, TransCanada began a PR campaign to restart the project, now claiming that 10,400 jobs would be created, in which 8,000 would be union jobs. But that is a con job, since the original labor estimate still holds; only a fraction of the total labor force would be employed at any given time, and their jobs would only last a few months. And let’s be clear about this: TransCanada is profiting from this, not the U.S.; most of the oil going through the pipeline is for export to other countries.

His new green deal: Shutting down oil, natural gas and coal productions. Not only does this eliminate jobs, it ships our need for fossil fuels to other countries (OPEC) to produce them, and do you really think Russia and the Middle East countries producing theirs are concerned about climate change? What a bad decision—loss of jobs and more undesirable climate pollution. Already Biden had caused a real problem with getting rid of the fossil fuels in this country, loss of jobs and not one New Green Job to replace them with.

I don’t understand all this paranoia about “green” energy—it’s going to happen sooner or later, and if you give a damn about future generations the “sooner” the better. These complaints are just short-sighted right-wing political BS. I’m sure he’s heard all the lies being told about what happened in Texas, but he was not told by Fox News and Republicans in the state who are responsible for the disaster is that Texas created its own energy grid to avoid abiding by other states’ regulations, and refused to “winterize” its power stations. 85 percent of the power failures there were related to fossil fuel breakdowns—not the wind turbines. As far as job creation is concerned, the whole point of “green” energy is that it is self-sufficient and does not require constant feeding by polluting fuels, and is relatively low-maintenance. And let’s not forget that electricity generated by hydro power is also “green.”

Tell me how great BLM and Antifa gangsters are—now they are stating they want to burn Washington DC down. You sure have great pals.

My “pals”? Whatever. I see here that he is buying into QAnon conspiracies intimated as possibly “true” by Carlson. After what happened on January 6, it is more than a bit hypocritical to buy into the absurd lies about BLM and Antifa wanting to “burn down” Washington DC. For what reason would they want to do that? The insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol were certainly clear about their intentions to overthrow the election on behalf of Trump.

The pandemic plan left for Biden: Do you not recall the two vaccines that were being administered to the front line workers and elderly? Woops, the politicians snuck into the vaccine lines and pushed ahead of all the others. He pushed endlessly to get a vaccine in less than 10 months something that has never been done so quickly in the world!!! Trump’s administration had over 900,000 people vaccinated per day. Biden’s great pandemic plan: To wear masks, social distancing and wash hands. Something from the Trump plan.

I guess he must be talking about Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst, who was one of those Covid-19 science-deniers, but decided to skip in line to get vaccinated anyways. Currently 1.7 million people a day are being vaccinated in the U.S., so I wouldn’t brag about Trump’s botched rollout of the vaccine. And I wouldn’t brag about Trump’s handling of the pandemic. First off, Trump was “desperate” that a vaccine be created because he had botched the pandemic response and hundreds of thousands were dying—it was his “magic” bullet to save his ass.

Trump really had nothing to do with the “speed” in which the vaccines were created. The only thing his administration did was shave a few months off the approval process. Moderna was racing to keep up with the German company Pfizer, which was operating on its own schedule, and it was a race not just to get a vaccine out, but who could profit from getting their product out first. Let’s also remember that it was the CDC that provided the guidelines for mask-wearing and social distancing, not Trump. Trump didn’t take the virus seriously, nor did Fox News opinionators. Biden is tackling the problem head on, while Trump had his head in the sand—and you want me to take what you say seriously because of a laughable change in the narrative?

Biden can’t even complete a sentence when reading the answers from a Q-card, but he is the leader of this country, in bed with China and who knows how many others.

Seems to me that Trump not only had “trouble” reading off cue cards, but he couldn’t pronounce “hard” words like “diversity” (“diversary”), names of countries: Namibia (“Nambia’) or names of well-known historical figures—pronouncing  Ulysses “Ulucious”. OK, maybe that isn’t fair, because anyone can mistake an “origin” for an “orange.” And who has Trump been in “bed” with? Not our allies, but with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un—and Xi Jinping until Trump found it politically convenient to accuse China for his botched pandemic response.

INSURRECTION: You will see within a few days of this Fake Impeachment that it will all be dropped, especially when the present leaders Biden, Harris, Palosi (sic) and Shummer (sic), oh and our favorite of all Maxine Waters are shown with the reckless press clippings they have been featured in, should they be IMPEACHED?

Fake impeachment? It was ten votes from conviction. All those people he mentioned—in context they said they were “fighting” for the people of this country, not trying to overturn constitutional government to save one pathetic man. I don’t even know why this is worth talking about more. As they say, a “picture” speaks a thousand words. By the way, why does he think that Fox News has fallen behind in the ratings to CNN and MSNBC? Because people realized they were not getting the true facts of what happened on January 6 from Fox News. The truth is that Fox News is the de facto “fake news” channel.

That was technically the end of the letter, but before he mailed it out he felt compelled to add a lengthy P.S.:

By the way, who was the last president to do their job and not take a Salary. Were there any before Trump?

What else? Well, first of all it is not certain that Trump actually did anything that most people would define as "work," and secondly he did receive a salary, he just “donated it”—or so he claims. Knowing how corrupt he is, that can’t be verified unless we see his tax returns. George Washington, Herbert Hoover and John F. Kennedy all donated their salaries. Trump’s golf trips cost taxpayers “conservatively” about 50 times his total presidential salary.

There was also something snuck in there about Trump “creating” so many jobs because he is such a “great” businessman. Besides me pointing out that Trump left office with the economy in worse shape than he found it in, he had to be kidding with Trump’s history of bankruptcies. Only Trump could drive a casino business into bankruptcy. Trump failed at a dozen attempts to sell a “brand name” consumer product. He has major debt issues because regardless of his “expertise” in real estate, he is a terrible businessman. He ignored advice to invest in the stock market, instead using whatever profit his real estate generated to keep his head above water. And let’s not forget his “empire” was inherited from his father; he didn’t “build” it himself. Right now Trump has $500 million in short-term debt and the last bank that would loan him money, Deutsche Bank, doesn’t want anything more to do with him. And what else is on the horizon now that he has to hand over his financial and tax records?

I almost forgot! Biden stopped the building of the southern wall, another 5,000 employees out of job, also the support groups, don’t know how many. Plus mega millions of dollars paid to the contractors for cancelling the wall contracts.

Is he talking about the money Trump stole from the Defense budget? And what about the border wall? What was left after the replacement slats were constructed? Untold millions in taxpayer dollars have been wasted in attempts to construct barriers in isolated areas that were inaccessible to both migrants and border patrol agents. National refuge and forest areas were destroyed needlessly by the construction of what were essentially “access trails” just to establish staging areas for equipment. It has been pointed out that not only were these attempts at wall constructions unnecessary, the construction of these remote access trails actually invited foot traffic from migrants. As usual with the Trump administration, there was no intelligent “planning,” just the need for “optics” to satisfy an uninformed “base” fueled by paranoia and bigotry.

We sure have a real loser in the White House. All this in only three weeks!!!

Well, at least that was three weeks more than he gave Barack Obama.

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