Monday, April 20, 2020

Michelle Obama for VP? Sounds like a winner to me, given the other “choices”

While many in the white elitist media continue to push for fellow white elitist Elizabeth Warren as Joe Biden’s running mate, others are pointing out that it would be a mistake for him to pick someone who has her own agenda that runs counter to his own. Warren certainly does have an agenda—her own megalomania, and who wishes more than anything to be able  to sneak in the back door, having failed to get in through the front door on her own merits. One supporter of her claim to the second spot insists that she is the only potential nominee who “stands out.” Well, he’s right about that—but not in a “positive” way. Warren’s “sexism” attacks on Michael Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders may have excited the media, but the electorate was clearly less impressed; even after “destroying” Bloomberg during one debate, Warren still finished no better than third in the subsequent primaries even in her own home state. If Warren were the VP nominee and she continued on this track, voters would see clearly enough that this election is about her, not Biden. It is very unlikely that she would attract more female voters, and more likely she would alienate male and swing voters. 

Look, it is one thing to attack a candidate’s positions, and it is quite another to have plenty of ammunition to attack a candidate’s character, That was the difference between Sanders and Warren in the eyes of most progressives; Sanders was the real deal, and Warren was just a fake, someone for whom being “progressive” means nothing more than being an “oppressed” woman who wanted to overturn the “patriarchal” system. Great with the “plans”? Note how she put her health care “plan” on the backburner after being forced to explain what exactly the “plan” was. Warren was such a hypocrite and pathological liar that for years she insisted that she was a “minority” when prospective employers could clearly see she was white—proof that white women could and did benefit from affirmative action more than real underrepresented minorities, and by “cheating” if necessary.

Let’s be real: If Biden wanted to attract the hardcore progressives to his campaign, the only logical choice is Sanders. Sanders likely would have beaten Donald Trump all by himself in 2016, and with him on the ticket Hillary Clinton would have easily have won in 2016, but she remains too vindictive and lacking in self-awareness to admit that even now. The problem Biden faces now is that he painted himself into a corner that he didn’t need to do, and seriously limited his choices.

So who else is out there? Pretty slim pickings if you ask me. Amy Klobuchar is clearly out; this was the candidate who was the only one to raise her hand when asked who would not support a progressive in the general election. The media can blame whoever they want for Kamala Harris’ campaign sinking like a stone, but the fact is she lacks something—I don’t know, charisma? Gretchen Whitmer? After all those scenes of “insurrection” in Michigan? Stacey Abrahms? People are actually serious about that? That’s all the Democrats need is a Sarah Palin-type on the ticket.

But there is another potential VP candidate who makes a lot more sense. The New York Post’s Michael Walsh tells us that Michelle Obama would be the “perfect” running mate for Biden, because she “checks all the boxes” for both the “moderate” and “progressive” wings of the party. He also suggests, cheekily, that after he wins the election, Biden could just step aside and claim illness so that she would step in as president to continue the Obama reign. But the truth of the matter is that Michelle Obama remains a popular figure among Democrats; she at least has some knowledge of the workings of the presidency, has at least some opinions about policy, has shown an interest in humanitarian causes, and being a lawyer she knows something about the law, unlike some other people we know. If Biden picked her as his running mate, that is something I could get “excited” about.

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