Thursday, December 5, 2019

No, Chris Cillizza, Hillary just put another "dagger" into her own credibility

When we consider what that this country has been forced to suffer under someone as unqualified and unfit to be president as Donald Trump, it is useful to keep a steady head and look at the reasons why this happened. Not just that many white voters felt “empowered” by his racially divisive and anti-immigrant rhetoric, but that they felt that the “alternative” seemed not just more corrupt, but more dishonest in general. The candidate herself also seemed oddly unable to see that the voting dynamics had changed, particularly in “swing” and Midwest “rustbelt” states like Wisconsin and Michigan, whose state houses were Republican-controlled. While the candidate would build-up her vote tallies in “left coast” states and in New York where voters knew all about Trump, elsewhere things were not looking too good.  But the candidate either did not care or was too arrogant to change direction. She should have been “clued in” to what was happening in the country by the “surprising” strength of her populist primary opponent, and listened to comments from people like actress Susan Sarandon—who was not a so-called “BernieBro”—who on MSNBC expressed a dislike for the candidate so intense that she intimated that she might vote for Trump if she was the Democratic nominee, if only because Trump promised “change.”

And so we have that candidate, Hillary Clinton, still on her tour promoting her book about “gutsy women,” continuing to show no “guts” at all as she went on the Howard Stern show the other day and rehashed her tiresome “everyone but me” blame game. Chris Cillizza, “editor-at-large” for the Clinton News Network—aka CNN—crowed that Hillary “absolutely destroyed” Bernie Sanders. After first claiming that she didn’t “hate” Sanders for supposedly hurting her in the 2016 election by not officially endorsing her until a month after the primaries, she “delivered the dagger,” according to Cillizza’s calculation: “And I hope he doesn’t do it again to whoever gets the nomination (in her estimation, Joe Biden). Once is enough.”

Oh please, you hypocrite.

As some of us may recall, voters in 2007 were hungering for “change,” and they saw that embodied not in Hillary Clinton and the others on the Democratic debate stages, but in newcomer Barack Obama, and it certainly helped that he actually acted presidential from the start. We may also recall the egotistical Hillary losing her mind on a few occasions, such as trying to convince black voters that Obama had no chance in a national election, using racist code with white voters in Pennsylvania, and completely losing it when after Obama’s delegate count for the Democratic nomination seemed assured, she went off on some bizarre “stream of consciousness” rant about Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination after winning the California primary, and how a “similar” circumstance might still find her the nominee. Contrary to Clinton’s complaints about the media being “unfair” to her to despite overwhelming evidence that the media tried to shove her down voters’ throats, few in the media seemed to be willing to inquire about what the hell she was talking about; CNN certainly didn’t, having failed in its attempt to derail Obama by running the so-called Rev. Wright “scandal” 24/7 for weeks until it just petered out from sheer irrelevance. 

Did the vindictive Hillary try to hurt Obama during the 2008 presidential election? Well of course she did. She was so slow and tepid in her “endorsement” of Obama that I’m sure that most people don’t recall if she had or not; to his credit, Bill Clinton did go on the road to make supportive speeches, but that was because he wanted to avoid being looked upon as a “sore loser” like his wife and hurt the chances to continue the Clinton “dynasty.” With Hillary on the sidelines pouting, president-elect Obama was obliged to seek her “forgiveness” by offering her the position of Secretary of State, which she was so grudging to accept that Obama practically had to go on hands and knees in order to “persuade” her. Contrary to popular opinion, Hillary did nothing that was notable during her four years in the State Department; in fact, all of the major Obama-era international agreements were promulgated during John Kerry’s tenure at State. The only thing that “happened” during Hillary’s tenure—Benghazi—was due to her indifference to actual work.  Furthermore, like Mike Pompeo she did not have the temperament to be an effective diplomat; rather, she acted like a placeholder on a four-year world vacation on the taxpayer dime, just so should she could add it to her “resume” of “experiences.”

Of course, Bernie Sanders wasn’t the only person or organization that she blamed for her election loss. According to a Newsweek story two years ago, the list goes something like this: “sexism,” Barack Obama, former FBI Director James Comey, “self-hating women,” the media, “uninformed voters,” voter suppression, Russia, her campaign staff (as if she would have listened to any advice anyways), the Democratic National Committee, campaign finance laws, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, the Electoral College, former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, and her “misunderstood” comments about “deplorables.” The only outside factor she didn’t mention that was actually relevant were white identity/nationalist voters, which of course included some of those “self-hating” women. 

Clinton’s only  “confession” to personal fault was concerning the use of a personal server for government business, although she still seems not to understand how this “innocent” mistake of hers not only overwhelmed her “message” and made her supporters defensive about that support—hoping that her expected victory would not require them to dwell on her failures—but it suggested something much more problematic: that Clinton, unlike Trump who just says any stupid thing that pops into whatever occupies his brain case, is a pathological liar and far more secretive about what she does or doesn’t do. In short, a large majority of voters did not trust her in 2016, and there is no reason to believe that she is any more trustworthy now, given her continued failure at self-examination and assessment. 

In fact, let’s take things a step further. I think that in many ways Sanders and Trump were different sides of the same coin, their principle difference being ideological. But that is selling Sanders short, for morally and ethically he was and is far above both Trump and Clinton, and that would have been the difference for voters in swing states in 2016.  There is no doubt in my mind that Sanders would have beaten Trump, perhaps easily. Those who claim that Sanders would have faced an implacable enemy in Congress forget that the president still has the power to promulgate executive orders, which all presidents have availed themselves to. 

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is like Trump in the worst ways. Not only does Clinton have no problem blaming others for her mistakes, but she has engaged in character assassination, although in less “explicit” terms. The server business with her initial denials of wrongdoing and then claiming it was “no big deal” is very Trumpian. Her habit of concealment and resort to “alternate facts” is also Trumpian. If we had a crystal ball in the event that it was Clinton who won the election, it is within the realm of possibility to see her on the impeachment dock instead of Trump. While we can presume that Clinton would put in place competent people in her administration, there is no real evidence that she would listen to them anymore than Trump would. Remember that Clinton claims that she is a “gutsy” woman—which could, of course, mean she would rely on her “guts” more than on reasoned policy examination, an assumption that can be made based on the evidence of her dislike of her judgment being a subject for debate. 

Without the “pressure” of being an official candidate, Hillary Clinton’s current tour of the country saying things that everyone who isn’t a Trump fanatic knows to be true may make her seem to be a “wise” sage, but on closer examination her own world continues to be an “alternate fact” one. Keeping herself in public view doesn’t change that, but it does provide “hope” for her still loyal disciples that she will jump back into the ring. This would be the third time for Clinton, and it doesn’t seem likely that it would work out any better than it did for William Jennings Bryan.

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