Thursday, September 26, 2019

Even if impeachment hearings are only a lies and deceit fest, they still should supply plenty of ammunition for Democrats in 2020 campaign ads

Since Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that impeachment hearings against Donald Trump are officially underway, there has been some discussion about whether or not this action has any real point—especially given the lack of cooperation by even those technically outside the grasp of Trump’s claws. To “normal” people it seems unfathomable to understand how someone as immoral, unethical and even criminal as Trump can maintain such a grip on people who have worked in his administration; even those who have left under pressure or did so voluntarily because they could no longer square their sense of lawful, moral and ethical behavior with that of Trump’s seem to be unwilling to cross him publically. Even if courts rule that Trump must turn over vital documents or force people to testify against him truthfully, there is every reason to believe that Trump will ignore even those rulings, given the utter lack of penalty for his actions up to this point.

But Democrats need to proceed with these impeachment hearings because given time it will be increasingly more difficult for voters to ignore this administration’s near total contempt of moral, ethical and constitutional norms, let alone of the law or civil discourse. We have seen Corey Lewandowski state flat out that he feels no obligation to tell the truth to the American public, and no doubt few in Trump’s orbit feel any different. To tell the truth would be to reveal the base instincts and contempt for simple human decency that drives the thinking of those formulating policy in this administration. If Lewandowski's does run for the U.S. Senate, by using soundbites of his brazen lying, voters should be continuously reminded of it in campaign ads.

Those persons with experience in government and have respect for lawful behavior have all been driven out of this administration, leaving behind not just a solid core of criminality, but one whose gravitational pull is so strong that even those who believe in what they doing is “right” are corrupted in an environment that cannot distinguish between what is lawful and what is not. Trump has lived his whole life in contempt for what is right and lawful, bullying people or getting them out of the way if they fail to follow his lead.  The only true loyalty he feels is for his own brood, who all seem to be curiously lacking in either personality (Donald Jr. and Eric) or a sense of reality (Ivanka); if you don’t have a family connection, those who are welcomed into Trump’s orbit must abandon all evidence of self-respect; Sen, Lindsey Graham is a case in point.

Can it be that everyone in the Trump administration has something to hide? What kind of gangster empire is he running here? Trump and his stooges have lied or dodged so often that they no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt, regardless of what comes out of their mouths. Did we really expect the Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to sit next to Trump and upset him by stating he did feel pressure to “please” Trump by promising to investigate a bogus charge against the Bidens in order to get that U.S. military assistance that was frozen just days before Trump made that one call that we are privy too, now released as a  second-hand transcript that almost certainly is “redacted” by selective memory?  Not only is the phone call transcript Trump released suspect in its particulars, it is only one of other aspects of unethical actions that prompted the whistleblower complaint concerning what is clear evidence of collusion with  a foreign government to damage a political opponent. It is impossible now for Trump to claim “no collusion,” but that must be stated relentlessly and plainly so that people “understand” that what Trump has done and continues to do is beyond the pale.

While Trump’s crimes are real, Rudy Giuliani’s attempts to collude with a foreign government also cannot be ignored, nor should he be allowed to escape unscathed. Ever wonder how he came up with the idea that Joe Biden’s son received $3 million in a money laundering scheme while working in the Ukraine? Isn’t it “coincidental” that if you multiply the $50,000 a month he received as a board member for a Ukrainian company by the 60 months he worked equals $3 million? And you want to know what “fake” news really looks like? Giuliani is the master of ceremonies for that gig.

If nothing else, the impeachment hearings should provide loads and loads of soundbites of Trump’s stooges and flunkies lying and denying even in the face of contrary evidence and testimony, just as Lewandowski continue to arrogantly lie and deny even after being caught red-handed in deceit. All this deceit may not add-up to a conviction and expulsion of this festering pustule of a man who has ensnared himself in a web of lies of his own making before the next election, but if skillfully used during in 2020—particularly in campaign ads—the very weight of it all should be impossible to ignore for all save those who still choose to remain mired in their own ignorance and hate.

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