Monday, October 8, 2018

For Sen. Susan Collins, too many lies is not enough

USA Today’s cover story on Monday claimed to portray people in a Pennsylvania community from different sides of ideological equation “coming together” to find “common ground.” What a load of bull. We are talking about one side of the spectrum that willing eats its own under questionable circumstances (see former Sen. Al Franken), while the other side can never be trusted to be “moderate” on any issue (see Sen. Susan Collins).  “Liberals” in the media especially seem to cling to the absurd hope that there are “reasonable” people on the right who can be “reasoned” with to consider what is good for the citizens of the country as a whole, not just the 25 or less percent that comprise their bigoted, narrow-minded “base.” 

It’s all a lie. How many times has Collins fooled people into thinking that she is actually “human”—or worse yet, that she actually has any moral or ethical standards that she is willing to stand by? Did she not tell us that if there was evidence that Brett Kavanaugh lied during his testimony that she could not vote to confirm him for the Supreme Court? Did not Kavanaugh blatantly  lie about the sexual insinuations in his yearbook? Didn’t he blatantly lie about the level of drinking and his belligerent behavior that his former Yale roommates have testified to? If he lied about that, what else did he lie about? Apparently he did not tell enough lies to cause Collin’s conscience any heartburn. At least Sen. Jeff Flake never made a secret of his intentions, even he is still a hypocrite. 

There is one other thing causes me pause. If we had known before what we know now, would Trump have been dissuaded from nominating Kavanaugh, or would Republican senators have advised against it? We know the superficiality of Trump, so it was likely that he picked Kavanaugh out of a list of names merely because he looked “youthful” and would likely be on the court for a good long time to cement his “legacy.” But given that Trump doesn’t like to be embarrassed by his foolish decisions, even our Liar-in-Chief would have probably preferred to avoid such embarrassment by not nominating Kavanaugh. Of course in hindsight many millions of voters wish they hadn’t voted for Trump.

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